8 Areas of Prep.

The 8 Areas of Preparedness have been our pillars since day 1.  A quick and easy visual way to organize your preparations and make sure you don’t miss anything.

The 8 areas include: Water, Food, Shelter, Health & First Aid, Light, Heat & Energy, Communication, and Sanitation.

Start learning more below:

light on the wall

Hey there, folks! When it comes to emergency preparedness, we often talk about stockpiling food, water, and even first aid supplies. But there’s one aspect that’s often overlooked until the lights go out – literally. That’s right, I’m talking about lighting! In this article, I want to shed some light on how to choose the […]

Success favours the prepared

In our fast-paced lives, families often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities. Amid the hustle and bustle, one aspect that should never be overlooked is emergency preparedness. It’s easy to assume that disasters won’t strike close to home, but I’ve seen time and time again how clear communication during an emergency can be the lifeline that […]