passport for travel

Traveling is an exciting adventure, and we need to prioritize safety and security while on the road. Take proactive measures to ensure safety whether exploring new destinations by plane or car, or embarking on a short or long journey. From planning to preparation, here are some valuable tips to help you stay safe and secure while traveling.

Research Your Destination:

  • Before setting out on your journey, take the time to research your destination thoroughly.
  • Familiarize yourself with local laws, customs, and potential safety concerns.
  • Check travel advisories issued by your government and read up on recent news and events in the area.
      • Understanding the cultural and political landscape will help you make informed decisions and avoid unnecessary risks.
  • Create a detailed itinerary for your trip, including transportation arrangements, accommodations, and activities.
  • Share your itinerary with trusted friends or family members and keep them updated on your whereabouts.
      • Having a well-thought-out plan ensures you have a clear sense of direction and minimizes the likelihood of getting lost or stranded in unfamiliar territory.

Pack Wisely:traveling with a suitcase

  • Pack light and only bring essential items for your journey.
  • Avoid carrying large sums of cash or valuable items that may attract unwanted attention.
  • Keep your belongings organized and secure, using locks or security pouches to safeguard important documents such as passports, credit cards, and identification.
  • Consider investing in travel insurance to protect yourself against unforeseen emergencies or incidents.

Stay Alert and Aware:

  • Remain vigilant and attentive to your surroundings at all times, especially in crowded or high-traffic areas.
  • Pay attention to suspicious behavior or individuals acting strangely and trust your instincts if something feels off.
  • Avoid sharing personal information with strangers and be cautious when interacting with unfamiliar individuals, particularly in tourist hotspots or nightlife districts.

Transportation & Accommodations:

  • Choose reputable transportation providers and opt for licensed taxis or rideshare services with verified drivers.
      • Verify the identity of drivers and confirm their credentials before getting into a vehicle.
  • Avoid hitchhiking or accepting rides from strangers, especially in remote or isolated areas where assistance may be scarce. Prioritize safety over convenience when selecting transportation options.
  • Book accommodations at reputable hotels, hostels, or guesthouses with positive reviews and a track record of safety and security.
  • Choose accommodations located in safe neighborhoods with easy access to transportation and essential amenities.
  • Secure your room properly by using deadbolts, chain locks, or portable door alarms to deter unauthorized entry.

Stay Connected:

  • Maintain regular communication with friends, family, or travel companions throughout your trip.
  • Check in periodically to update them on your whereabouts and share any changes to your plans.
  • Carry a fully charged mobile phone with emergency contact numbers saved and accessible.
  • Consider investing in a portable charger or power bank to ensure your devices remain powered during your travels.

Keep Emergency Supplies On Hand:72 hour kit 4 person deluxe

  • Prepare a basic emergency kit containing essential supplies such as first aid supplies, medications, water, snacks, and a flashlight.
  • Keep the kit easily accessible in your luggage or daypack so you can respond quickly to unexpected situations or emergencies.
  • Familiarize yourself with local emergency services and know how to seek assistance if needed.
  • If you are travelling by personal car, have your 72 hour kit with you, which should include a stocked first aid kit.

Trust Your Instincts:

  • Listen to your intuition and trust your gut feelings when assessing situations or making decisions while traveling. If something feels wrong or unsafe, remove yourself from the situation immediately and seek help if necessary.
  • Avoid taking unnecessary risks or engaging in activities that compromise your safety or well-being.
  • Stay updated on current events, weather forecasts, and any developments that may impact your travel plans.
  • Monitor local news sources, official government websites, and travel advisories for relevant information and updates.
  • Adjust your itinerary or take precautionary measures as needed to ensure your safety and security while on the road.


By following these tips and staying proactive in your approach to travel safety and security, you can enjoy a worry-free and fulfilling travel experience. Remember to stay informed, stay connected, and trust your instincts while exploring new destinations. With proper planning and preparation, you can make the most of your adventures while staying safe and secure on the road. Safe travels!

phone call

I am not sure about you, but sometimes those pesky telemarketers can be a real nuisance. Let us learn ways to protect ourselves with the following information:

“If you live in Canada, you can choose to reduce the number of telemarketing calls you receive by registering your residential, wireless, fax or VoIP telephone number on the National Do Not Call List (DNCL). If your telephone number is not linked to a business line, then you are considered to be a consumer for the purposes of the National DNCL.

If you’re a telemarketer, you have to abide by the Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules (UTR), register with and pay to use the DNCL” -direct quote from the website

Who is the CRTC?

Check out their website here.

The CRTC, or the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, is an independent regulatory agency of the Canadian Federal government. It is responsible for regulating and supervising the broadcasting and telecommunications sectors in Canada.

The CRTC’s mandate includes:

  1. Licensing and regulating broadcasting and telecommunications companies to ensure they adhere to Canadian content regulations, promote Canadian culture, and provide affordable services.
  2. Overseeing the distribution and allocation of broadcasting frequencies.
  3. Resolving disputes between broadcasting and telecommunications companies, consumers, and other stakeholders.
  4. Promoting competition and innovation within the industry.
  5. Ensuring that Canadians have access to a wide variety of high-quality broadcasting and telecommunications services.

How Do I Stop Telemarketers?

I went through the process myself to test it. Please be aware that by registering you are in fact providing your phone number to the National Database as a number NOT to call.

#1: Visit the CRTC website – link here

#2: Read through the website to familiarize yourself with the details. There are multiple exempt from telemarketing business types.

#3: Add your phone number, click Register.


Note: It states that current telemarketers have 30 days left to be able to contact you before it is in full effect.

(Image above from CRTC website)


And here is one more way to protect ourselves against fraudulent activity. Go to our article about fraud prevention/preparations next. Happy safe-guarding!

compass to figure out what direction to go

Wilderness Survival

  1. Shelter: Protecting yourself from the elements, whether it’s building a shelter from natural materials, using a tent, or finding refuge in a cave or under dense foliage.
  2. Water: Access to clean water is essential for hydration and can prevent dehydration and other health issues. Knowing how to find, purify, and conserve water is vital for survival in the wilderness.
  3. Fire: Fire provides warmth, light, and a means of cooking food.. Being able to start and maintain a fire can help you stay warm, signal for help, and purify water.
  4. Food: While food is not as immediately critical as shelter, water, and fire, knowing how to forage for edible plants, hunt, or fish can provide sustenance and energy in survival situations.
  5. First Aid: Being able to assess and treat injuries and illnesses is crucial for survival, especially in remote environments where medical help may be limited. Basic first aid skills can help you manage emergencies and prevent minor injuries from becoming life-threatening.

Survival Skills for Outdoor Adventures: Tips for Navigating the Wilderness

Exploring the wilderness can be an exhilarating experience, but it also comes with inherent challenges and risks. Whether you’re hiking, camping, or backpacking, learning survival skills is important for navigating the wilderness safely and confidently. In this article, we’ll discuss important survival skills and practical tips to help you navigate the wilderness like a seasoned outdoor enthusiast.

1. Navigation Basics:

One of the most fundamental survival skills for outdoor adventures is navigation. Being able to read maps, use a compass, and navigate with natural landmarks can help you find your way even in unfamiliar terrain. Here are some key navigation tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with topographic maps and learn how to interpret contour lines, symbols, and scale.
  • Practice using a compass to determine direction and orient yourself to your surroundings.
  • Learn to identify natural landmarks such as mountains, rivers, and rock formations to help navigate without relying solely on maps and compasses.

map LegendFossil Falls, Aster Lake, Kananaskis

2. Shelter Building:

In emergency situations, having the skills to build a shelter can mean the difference between safety and exposure to the elements. Here are some shelter-building tips:

  • Look for natural shelters such as caves, rock overhangs, or dense foliage for immediate protection.
  • If natural shelters are unavailable, learn basic shelter-building techniques using materials such as branches, leaves, and tarps.
  • Prioritize shelter construction to protect yourself from wind, rain, and extreme temperatures, especially during inclement weather.

3. Fire Starting:

Fire provides warmth, light, and a means of cooking food in the wilderness. Mastering fire-starting techniques is essential for survival. Here’s how to start a fire in the wilderness:

  • Gather dry tinder, kindling, and fuelwood to create a fire lay.
  • Use fire-starting tools such as matches, lighters, or fire starters to ignite the tinder.
  • Practice alternative fire-starting methods such as friction fire techniques using a bow drill or fire plow in case you don’t have access to modern fire-starting tools.

campfire at the beach Windproof, waterproof matches 20 pcs

4. Water Procurement:LifeStraw squeeze bottle

Access to clean water is essential for survival in the wilderness. Knowing how to find, purify, and conserve water can help you stay hydrated and healthy. Here are some water procurement tips:

  • Learn to identify natural water sources such as streams, rivers, and lakes, but always treat water from these sources to remove contaminants.
  • Carry a portable water filter, purification tablets, or a small pot for boiling water to make it safe for drinking.
  • Conserve water by minimizing sweating, urinating, and cooking with excess water, and by using water-saving techniques such as collecting dew or rainwater.

5. Food Foraging:

While it’s essential to carry an adequate supply of food for outdoor adventures, knowing how to forage for wild edibles can supplement your diet and provide additional sustenance in survival situations. Here are some food foraging tips:

  • Learn to identify edible wild plants, berries, nuts, and mushrooms native to your region, but exercise caution and avoid consuming anything you’re not certain is safe.
  • Harvest wild edibles sustainably and responsibly, taking only what you need and leaving the rest for wildlife and future foragers.
  • Supplement your foraged food with high-energy snacks such as trail mix, energy bars, and jerky to maintain energy levels during outdoor activities.

raspberries in the woods

6. First Aid Skills:

Accidents and injuries can happen during outdoor adventures, so having basic first aid skills can be a lifesaver. Here are some essential first aid skills to learn:

  • Learn how to assess and treat common outdoor injuries such as cuts, scrapes, burns, sprains, and insect bites.
  • Carry a well-stocked first aid kit containing essential supplies for treating injuries and illnesses in the wilderness.
  • Take a wilderness first aid course to gain hands-on training and practice in managing medical emergencies in remote environments.

124 piece First Aid Kit


By honing these essential survival skills and incorporating them into your outdoor adventures, you can navigate the wilderness with confidence and resilience. Remember to practice these skills regularly, stay informed about your surroundings, and always prioritize safety and preparedness when venturing into the great outdoors. With the right knowledge and skills, you’ll be well-equipped to handle whatever challenges nature throws your way.

computer code

Lets explore the top threats to our digital privacy so we are prepared in the cyber world. This includes:

  • Data Breaches
  • Phishing Attacks
  • Identity Theft
  • Malware & Spyware

Data Breaches

Data breaches occur when cybercriminals gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. These breaches can expose personal data, financial records, and more. Cybersecurity preparedness includes using strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and monitoring your accounts for suspicious activity.

Example of a Data Breach

This past year I had an ongoing attack on my credit card. It took the credit card company 4 new cards within a 3 months period to figure it out, and correct the problem. The purchase I made it turns out the breached company had stored my personal information, including my name, email address, and credit card details. The company had a vast database of customer accounts and transactions.

Here’s how a data breach simply occurs and is handled:hacking and deception

  • An attacker identifies a vulnerability in the e-commerce company’s website or server.
  • They exploit this vulnerability, gaining unauthorized access to the company’s network and databases.
      • They may copy entire databases containing customer records, payment information, and purchase histories.
  • The breach is discovered.
  • Upon confirming the breach, the company’s IT and security teams work to contain the situation.
  • The company is legally obligated to notify affected customers about the breach.
  • The affected company takes steps to mitigate the damage.
      • This includes enhancing security measures, conducting a post-incident analysis to understand how the breach occurred, and working to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks involve deceptive emails or messages that aim to trick recipients into revealing personal information, such as passwords and credit card details.

Example of a Phishing Attack

Imagine you receive an email in your inbox with the subject line: “URGENT: Account Security Issue – Immediate Action Required.” The sender’s email address looks like it’s from a well-known financial institution, say, “” The body of the email appears official and contains the bank’s logo. The email message states that there has been unusual activity detected on your account and warns you to take immediate action or your account will be suspended. To resolve the issue, you are instructed to click on a link provided in the email.

Here’s some ways you might be deceived:

  • The email creates a sense of urgency, pressuring you to act quickly. This is a common tactic in phishing attacks to prevent you from thinking rationally.
  • While it appears to be from your bank, examine the sender’s email address carefully and you will notice subtle differences.
  • The email contains a link that directs you to a website that closely resembles your bank’s official website.
  • Once you click on the link, you are taken to a webpage that appears to be a login page for your bank account. It prompts you to enter your username, password, and other personal information.
  • If you enter your details, the information is captured by the cybercriminals behind the phishing attack. They use this information for identity theft, unauthorized access to your accounts, or other fraudulent activities.

Identity Theft

hacking and internet safety

Identity theft is a grave threat, as it can have severe financial and personal consequences. Safeguard your identity by regularly being cautious about sharing personal information online.

Let’s consider a scenario where an individual, Sarah, becomes a victim of identity theft:

  • Sarah’s personal information has been accessed. This information can be collected through hacking into a poorly secured online account, finding sensitive documents in the trash, or stealing mail from her mailbox.
  • The stolen information may include her full name, date of birth, and address.
  • The identity thief decides to open a credit card account in Sarah’s name.
  • They start making unauthorized purchases.
  • Sarah notices unfamiliar credit card statements arriving at her address. She receives calls from debt collectors about unpaid bills on an account she knows nothing about.
  • Alarmed by the situation, Sarah contacts the credit card company. She reports to them, the police and requests the account to be closed.
  • The hard steps come as Sarah will now need to work with the credit card company to prove that she is the victim and not responsible for the fraudulent charges. She may need to file disputes, provide identity theft affidavits, and closely monitor her credit report for any further fraudulent activity.
  • Sarah’s credit score may be affected, making it challenging for her to access credit in the future.

Ways to Safeguard Against Identity Theft: Secure your mail and personal documents, shred discarded personal documents, use secure passwords online, secure your WIFI network, keep your mobile phone locked, monitor your finances and credit cards

Wi-Fi and Network Vulnerabilities

Unsecured Wi-Fi networks can be exploited by hackers. Protect your network by using strong encryption, changing default router passwords, and avoiding public Wi-Fi for sensitive activities.

Malware and Spyware

internet security

Malicious software and spyware can infiltrate your devices. Use reputable antivirus and anti-malware software, keep your operating system and applications up to date, and avoid downloading files from suspicious sources.

Malware (Malicious Software): Malware is a broad term that is software designed to harm, exploit, or compromise a computer system or network. Common types of malware include:

  • Viruses attach themselves to legitimate files and programs, spreading when those files are executed. They can damage or corrupt data and software.
  • Worms are standalone programs that replicate themselves and spread to other systems over networks. They can overload networks and consume resources.
  • Adware displays unwanted and often intrusive advertisements. It can slow down your computer and compromise your online privacy.

Spyware: Spyware is a type of malware that focuses on collecting information from a computer or device without the user’s knowledge or consent. It is used for espionage, data theft, or tracking a user’s online behavior. Here are some common characteristics of spyware:

  • Designed to gather information, such as keystrokes, login credentials, browsing history, and personal data, from the infected device.
  • Spyware operates quietly in the background without the user’s awareness. It is challenging to detect, making it a serious privacy threat.
  • The collected data is sent to a remote server or a control center where cybercriminals access and misuse it.
  • Spyware has various purposes, including identity theft, surveillance, advertising, and unauthorized monitoring.

Cybersecurity Preparedness

  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity threats and trends to adapt your defenses accordingly.
  • Strong Passwords: Use complex, unique passwords for each online account and consider using a password manager.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your software, apps, and devices updated to patch vulnerabilities.
  • Back Up Data: Regularly back up your important data to protect against data loss from ransomware or hardware failure.
  • Privacy Settings: Review and adjust the privacy settings on your social media accounts and devices.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn about cybersecurity best practices and share this knowledge with family and friends.

Protecting your digital privacy is an ongoing process. By learning about and understanding the top threats to your online security and taking proactive steps for cybersecurity preparedness, you can reduce the risks and enjoy a safer and more secure online experience. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay secure in the digital age.

phone call

Learn about other helpful phone numbers in Canada for contacting local government services, community resources, and phone services. Here’s a summary of what they are for:

Canada’s Contact Number List

  • 9-1-1: This is the primary emergency number in Canada. It should be dialed in case of emergencies requiring police, fire, or medical assistance.
  • 8-1-1: This number connects you to Health Link. Health Link offers 24/7 health advice and information from registered nurses. It’s not intended for emergencies but for non-urgent health inquiries.
  • 7-1-1: A telecommunications relay service number used by individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired. It connects them to relay service operators who facilitate communication between the caller and the recipient using various communication methods.
  • 5-1-1: This service offers information about road conditions, traffic updates, weather alerts, and construction, aiding motorists in planning their routes and staying informed about potential hazards or delays while traveling.
  • 4-1-1: When dialed, an operator can provide phone numbers, addresses, and contact information for businesses, individuals, and government agencies. Some service providers may charge a fee for using this service.
  • 3-1-1: In many cities and municipalities across Canada, 3-1-1 is a non-emergency number for accessing local government services and information. It connects you to a municipal call center where you can report issues like potholes, noise complaints, and garbage collection inquiries. *May vary across the provinces & territories.
  • 2-1-1: This is a non-emergency phone number that provides access to community, social, health, and government services. When dialed, you can get information about resources available in your community, such as food banks, shelters, counseling services, and employment support.
  • 9-8-8: This is the call number for the suicide prevention hotline.


Remember to use these contact numbers responsibly and appropriately based on the situation you are facing. Whether it’s an emergency, a health inquiry, travel information, or accessing community services, knowing the right number to call can make a significant difference in getting the assistance you need. Program them with a description into your phone and you’ll always have them handy! Or, add them to your LifeLine document (our free class)! Contact our customer service for more information.

LifeStraw squeeze bottle

Revolutionizing Clean Water Access: The LifeStraw Story

In a world where access to clean drinking water remains a pressing issue for millions, innovative solutions are necessary. Among these solutions stands the LifeStraw which began to take shape in 1999.  It was a revolutionary water filtration device that has changed the game in providing safe water to those in need. Developed by the Swiss-based company Vestergaard, LifeStraw has become a symbol of hope for communities grappling with waterborne diseases and poor sanitation infrastructure.

Origins and Innovation:Lifestraw Water filter drinking straw

The story of LifeStraw began with a simple yet powerful idea. This was to create a portable and easy-to-use water filter capable of removing contaminants from even the dirtiest water sources. The creator was Danish inventor Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen. The LifeStraw concept emerged in response to the devastating impact of waterborne diseases specifically in Guinea, Africa. Mikkel was looking for ways to filter out worm larvae, or what’s commonly known as “Guinea worm disease”.  Here is a link to the CDC if you’d like to know more about this disease.

The timeline briefly goes as follows:

  • 1999 – Mikkel developed a plastic pipe filter to strain away the mentioned larvae
  • 2005 – the LifeStraw was developed – only for humanitarian use efforts – to filter out harmful bacteria and parasites
  • 2008 – Lifestraw becomes more available in other countries, while Vestergaard continues to work in Kenya with its clean water efforts
  • Over the next decade (plus) the LifeStraw takes form as we know it, including adding water bottles, and other features
  • 2014 – for every bottle sold, a child in need receives a LifeStraw with their Give Back program. By 2018 they had given away 2 million

The first LifeStraw utilized advanced filtration technology to eliminate bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens without the need for electricity, batteries, or replacement parts. This marked a significant departure from traditional water purification methods, such as boiling or chemical treatments.

How It Works:

The LifeStraw’s is a sophisticated filtration system, which employs hollow fiber membranes to trap contaminants as water passes through. These membranes are equipped with microscopic pores that effectively capture bacteria, parasites, and microplastics, leaving behind clean, safe drinking water. Remarkably, the LifeStraw can filter up to 4,000 liters (approximately 1,000 gallons) of water. This provides an individual with a year’s worth of clean drinking water.

Use it to drink directly from streams and lakes, fill up a container or even attach it to most disposable water bottles and use your LifeStraw to enjoy clean water on the go. The LifeStraw has unlimited shelf life and once opened can provide an individual with more than 5 years of safe drinking water.

The membrane microfilters to 0.2 microns and removes:

  • 99.999999% of bacteria (including E. coli)
  • 99.999% of parasites (Giardia, Cryptosporidium, etc.)
  • 99.999% of microplastics

Impact and Outreach:

Since its introduction, the LifeStraw has had a profound impact on countless lives around the world. It has been deployed in disaster relief efforts following earthquakes, hurricanes, and other emergencies, providing a vital lifeline to those affected by water scarcity and contamination. In rural communities plagued by waterborne illnesses, the LifeStraw has helped reduce disease transmission rates and improve overall health outcomes, particularly among children and vulnerable populations.

Moreover, LifeStraw’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility sets it apart. Through initiatives like the “Follow the Liters” program, the company has partnered with local organizations to distribute LifeStraw filters and educate communities on proper water hygiene practices. This holistic approach not only addresses immediate water needs but also promotes long-term resilience and self-sufficiency.

LifeStraw for Travel & Backpacking:

LifeStraw Personal Water Filter Straw - Green
Because the LifeStraw is so small and lightweight, it’s great for hiking, emergencies if water is contaminated or travel overseas in countries with unreliable drinking water. If you’ve ever been sick while travelling, you know the importance of drinking filtered water! In light of natural disasters, many people are realizing they cannot depend on their city water during an emergency. A water filter that’s lightweight, easy-to-use, and portable is important to have in your emergency preparedness kit.

I keep a LifeStraw in my pack at all times. Access to clean water is critical while hiking. LifeStraw accomplishes the same thing as other filters, but does it at just a tenth of the weight. If you’re in a rush, there’s no need to stop and filter water by the lake. Just scoop your water bottle full, and sip from it as you walk. Or, dip the end of the straw right into the lake and drink until you’re hydrated


The LifeStraw represents more than just a water filtration device; it embodies the power of innovation and compassion to address one of humanity’s most fundamental needs. By harnessing technology for good and prioritizing social impact, LifeStraw has become a beacon of hope for millions worldwide, proving that clean water is not just a necessity but a fundamental human right. As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, the LifeStraw serves as a reminder that small innovations can have a big impact on the quest for a healthier, more equitable world.


Stay Safe in the Wilderness:

Before we get into some written tips, I wanted to share something I discovered in preparation for this blog post. The SAR Alberta (Search and Rescue Alberta) website introduced me to a new app they have called “Adventure Smart”. Below is a short youtube video explaining what it is, but this amazing app is a way to create and plan your wilderness hikes and adventures with added safety. You add an emergency contact, your location, your start and end time, etc, so in case you do not return when you’re supposed to, SAR has some details to begin their search with to find you.

Venturing into the wilderness offers numerous opportunities for adventure and exploration, but it also comes with risks. In remote and rugged environments, access to medical help may be limited, making it important to be prepared to handle medical emergencies effectively. Let’s explore essential wilderness first aid tips to help you stay safe and respond confidently to emergencies in the great outdoors.

1. Prioritize Safety:

Before heading into any outdoor adventure, prioritize safety by familiarizing yourself with the area, assessing potential hazards, and planning accordingly. Share your itinerary with someone reliable, carry essential safety gear, and know how to use it effectively (this is where this new Adventure Smart app comes in perfectly handy).

Real-life Example: During a hiking trip in a remote mountain range, a group of friends encountered unexpected severe weather conditions. They had previously shared their itinerary with family members and were equipped with emergency shelters and extra layers of clothing. By prioritizing safety and following their preparedness plan, they were able to take shelter until the storm passed, avoiding exposure-related injuries.

Kananaskis lakes map

2. Be Prepared:

Pack a well-stocked wilderness first aid kit containing essential supplies such as bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, scissors, pain relievers, and any necessary personal medications. Additionally, consider including items specific to your planned activities, such as blister treatment, splints, and/or tourniquets.

Real-life Example: During a backpacking trip, a hiker sustained a minor laceration while navigating a rocky trail. His companions quickly accessed the first aid kit, cleaned the wound, and applied a sterile dressing to prevent infection. The hiker was able to continue the journey with minimal disruption, thanks to the well-prepared first aid kit.

gauze on a scrape

3. Assess the Situation:

In the event of an injury or medical emergency, take a moment to assess the situation calmly and methodically. The acronym STOP: Stop, Think, Observe, Plan…then Act guides you through safe survival.

Determine the severity of the injury, assess the victim’s condition, and prioritize treatment based on the circumstances of your surroundings and position.

Real-life Example: While camping in a remote wilderness area, a camper experienced symptoms of heat exhaustion, including dizziness and nausea. His companions recognized the signs of heat-related illness and immediately moved him to a shaded area, provided water and electrolytes, and cooled him down with wet towels. Their prompt assessment and intervention prevented the situation from escalating into a more serious medical emergency.

Lemon nuun electrolyte tablets showing

4. Treat Injuries Appropriately:

Administer basic first aid to stabilize the victim and prevent further injury.

This may include:

  • cleaning and dressing wounds
  • immobilizing fractures or sprains
  • controlling bleeding
  • providing pain relief

Remember to consider environmental factors such as temperature, weather conditions, and terrain when treating injuries.

Real-life Example: During a backcountry skiing expedition, a skier fell and sustained a suspected ankle fracture. His companions quickly improvised a splint using ski poles and extra clothing to immobilize the injured limb before carefully assisting him back to camp. Their swift and appropriate first aid measures helped minimize discomfort and further injury during the evacuation process.

skiing on the trails


5. Know How to Signal for Help:

If medical assistance is needed, know how to signal for help effectively. If you have no phone service, or communication device to contact help, use visual signals such as waving brightly colored clothing or using a signaling mirror to attract attention. Additionally, use auditory signals such as blowing a whistle in a series of three blasts to signal distress.

Real-life Example: While on a backpacking trip in a remote forest, a hiker became disoriented and lost his way on the trail. Unable to find his bearings, he used a whistle to signal for help, producing three loud blasts at regular intervals. His signal was eventually heard by nearby hikers who were able to assist him in finding his way back to the trailhead.

6. Stay Calm and Reassure the Victim:

Maintain a calm and reassuring demeanor when providing first aid to the victim. Your confidence and reassurance can help keep the victim calm and cooperative, which is essential for effective treatment and recovery.

Real-life Example: While camping in a wilderness area, a camper experienced an allergic reaction to a bee sting, causing difficulty breathing and panic. His companions remained calm, reassured him, and administered his prescribed medication while waiting for emergency responders to arrive. Their calm and composed response helped alleviate the victim’s anxiety and ensured prompt medical attention.

lily from the garden

7. Be Prepared to Evacuate:

In some situations, evacuating the victim may be necessary to provide advanced medical care, or to relocate to a safer location. Be prepared to initiate an evacuation plan if the victim’s condition worsens or if you are unable to effectively manage the situation with the resources available. This is a contradiction to “stay in place”, and only applicable if you confidently know your location to continue moving.

Real-life Example: During a mountaineering expedition, a climber suffered a severe altitude sickness at high altitude, experiencing symptoms of confusion and disorientation. His climbing partners recognized the seriousness of the situation and initiated a rapid descent to lower elevation, where they could access medical assistance. Their quick thinking and decisive action saved the climber’s life and prevented further complications.

8. Seek Additional Training:

Consider obtaining formal training in wilderness first aid from reputable organizations. These courses provide valuable hands-on training in wilderness-specific first aid techniques and scenarios, empowering you to respond effectively to emergencies in remote settings.

Real-life Example: A group of outdoor enthusiasts enrolled in a wilderness first aid course to expand their knowledge and skills in managing medical emergencies in remote environments. During a subsequent backpacking trip, they encountered a fellow hiker with a dislocated shoulder and were able to confidently assess the injury and perform a successful relocation procedure, thanks to their training.

CPR First aid class


By following these wilderness first aid tips and being prepared for emergencies, you can enjoy outdoor adventures with greater confidence and safety. Remember that prevention is the best medicine, so take steps to minimize risks and be proactive in addressing potential hazards. With proper preparation and knowledge, you can navigate the wilderness with peace of mind, knowing that you are equipped to handle whatever challenges may arise.


Briden Academy

When it comes to camping choosing the right tent is important. With so many options available, how do you choose the right one? In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to find the perfect tent for your outdoor adventures.

1. Consider Your Needs:

Before diving into tent features and specifications, take some time to consider yourcamping trip on a beautiful starry night specific camping needs. Are you backpacking or car camping? How many people will be using the tent? What age of people will be using the tent? What weather conditions do you expect to encounter? These factors will help you narrow down your options.

2. Types of Tents:

There are several types of tents to choose from, each designed for different purposes and preferences:

  • Backpacking Tents: Lightweight and compact, ideal for backpackers and solo campers.
  • Family Tents: Spacious and durable, suitable for larger groups or car camping.
  • Three-Season Tents: Versatile tents designed for use in spring, summer, and fall, offering a balance of ventilation and weather protection.
  • Four-Season Tents: Sturdy and insulated tents built to withstand harsh winter conditions, including snow and strong winds.

Here are a few more names/types of tents available:

  • Pop-Up Tents: These tents feature a collapsible frame that “pops up” into shape when unfolded, making them incredibly quick and easy to set up. They’re ideal for casual campers or those who value convenience.
  • Cabin Tents: Cabin tents are spacious and tall, with vertical walls that maximize interior space. They often feature multiple rooms or dividers, making them a popular choice for families or groups who want separate sleeping areas.
  • Ultralight Tents: Designed for minimalist backpackers and thru-hikers, ultralight tents prioritize weight savings without sacrificing durability or weather protection. They’re typically made from lightweight materials and feature streamlined designs to keep pack weight to a minimum.
  • Bivy Tents: Bivy (bivouac) tents are small, lightweight shelters designed for solo backpackers and minimalist adventurers. They provide basic protection from the elements and are often used in conjunction with a sleeping bag and pad for ultralight camping.
  • Teepee Tents: Inspired by traditional Native American teepees, these tents feature a conical shape and a central pole for support. Teepee tents offer spacious interiors and excellent ventilation, making them a comfortable option for camping in warmer weather.
  • Truck Tents: Designed to fit in the bed of a pickup truck, truck tents provide an elevated sleeping platform and protection from the elements. They’re a convenient option for campers who prefer to sleep off the ground or want to maximize available space in their vehicle.

3. Size and Capacity:

Tent size is crucial for comfort and usability. Most tents are labeled with their capacity, but keep in mind that these ratings can vary depending on the manufacturer.

Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating tent capacity:

  • Number of Sleepers: The primary consideration when determining tent capacity is the number of people who will be sleeping in the tent. Tent capacities typically range from one-person tents to large family tents that can accommodate eight people or more.
  • Sleeping Arrangements: Consider how individuals will be arranged inside the tent. Will everyone be sleeping side by side, or will some people prefer to have their own sleeping space? Keep in mind that tent capacities are often based on the assumption of individuals sleeping closely together, so if you prefer more personal space, you may want to choose a tent with a higher capacity.
  • Gear Storage: In addition to sleeping space, consider the amount of gear and personal belongings that need to be stored inside the tent. Larger tents often provide more vestibule or storage space for gear, while smaller tents may require gear to be stored inside with the sleepers.
  • Comfort and Livability: While it’s possible to squeeze more people into a tent than its stated capacity, doing so can compromise comfort and livability. Overcrowding can lead to cramped quarters, limited ventilation, and difficulty moving around inside the tent. It’s generally best to choose a tent with a capacity that comfortably accommodates the number of sleepers and their gear.
  • Group Dynamics: Consider the dynamics of your camping group and how individuals prefer to sleep. Some people may be comfortable sharing close quarters with others, while others may prefer more personal space. Choose a tent capacity that aligns with the preferences and comfort levels of your camping group.

4. Features and Design:

Pay attention to the following features and design aspects when evaluating tents:

  • Setup: Look for tents with straightforward and intuitive setup processes, including for example color-coded poles and easy-to-follow instructions.
    • This is particularly important in temporary tenting. If the tent is to stay assembled for longer terms, a little more complex set up can be acceptable.
  • Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential for airflow and condensation management. Choose tents with mesh panels, windows, and adjustable vents for improved airflow.
  • Weather Resistance: Opt for tents with durable and waterproof materials, reinforced seams, andcamping and sleeping in the outdoors in warm sleeping bags weatherproof coatings to keep you dry and protected in inclement weather.
    • I personally enjoy a tent that has space around the perimeter on the inside of the tent while my sleeping bag is open.  While I’m sleeping if it’s raining, then my sleeping bag avoids touching the sides, which would cause my sleeping bag to come damp or wet.
  • Durability: Consider the tent’s construction and materials, including the denier (thickness) of the fabric, quality of the poles and stakes, and overall build quality.
  • Weight and Packability: For backpacking and hiking trips, prioritize lightweight and compact tents that won’t weigh you down on the trail. While a family vacation can allow for more bulky tents.

5. Budget Considerations:

Set a budget for your tent purchase and prioritize features based on your camping needs and preferences. While high-end tents may offer advanced features and materials, there are plenty of budget-friendly options available that provide adequate performance for most campers.

6. Test Before You Buy:

Whenever possible, visit a local outdoor retailer to see tents in person and test them out firsthand. Often you will be able to view sample tents in store, crawl inside, and evaluate its size, comfort, and usability. This hands-on approach will help you make an informed decision and ensure you’re satisfied with your purchase.

7. Read Reviews and Compare Options:

Before making a final decision, consider reading online reviews and compare different tent models to gather insights from other campers’ experiences. Pay attention to factors such as durability, weather resistance, ease of setup, and overall value for the price.

8. Emergency Tent:Coghlans tube tent

Another considering is in your car kit, or your 72 hour kit, keeping a tent tube in case of emergency. Grabbing the tent from storage in a pinch isn’t always feasible!


Choosing the right tent is essential for a comfortable and enjoyable camping experience. By considering your needs, evaluating features, and setting a budget, you can find the perfect shelter for your outdoor adventures. With the right tent in tow, you’ll be ready to embark on unforgettable camping trips and create lasting memories in the great outdoors.

Balancing Human Needs and Ocean Conservation

The ocean and ocean conservation plays a vital role in sustaining life on Earth, providing essential resources and regulating the planet’s climate. However, human activities have put increasing pressure on marine ecosystems, threatening their health and resilience. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of the ocean to our livelihoods and discuss practical steps we can take to protect and conserve these invaluable resources.

Importance of the Ocean:

Save the Whales! Save the Dolphins! Save the Turtles!

We’ve all heard this before – but why? It’s all about balance

Diverse Ecosystems:

The ocean is home to a vast array of ecosystems, including coral reefs, kelp forests, mangroves, and open ocean habitats. Each of these ecosystems supports a unique mix of marine species, from microscopic plankton to large predators like sharks and whales. (see Nutrient Cycling below for deeper explanation)

Crucial Services:
  • Food Production: The ocean is a vital source of food for millions of people around the world. It supportsfishing and catching a fish fisheries and aquaculture operations that provide protein-rich seafood for human consumption.
  • Climate Regulation: The ocean plays a critical role in regulating Earth’s climate by absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and heat from the atmosphere. This helps to mitigate the impacts of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere.
  • Nutrient Cycling: Marine ecosystems play a key role in nutrient cycling, recycling essential nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus through processes such as photosynthesis, decomposition, and nutrient uptake by marine organisms. This helps to sustain ocean productivity and support marine food webs.
  • Marine Industries: Fishing, tourism, and shipping, contribute significantly to global economies, providing livelihoods for millions of people worldwide.

The health of ocean ecosystems is closely interconnected with terrestrial and atmospheric processes. For example, changes in ocean temperature and chemistry can impact weather patterns, ocean currents, and global climate systems. The ocean supports a diverse array of ecosystems that provide crucial services such as food production, climate regulation, and nutrient cycling.

Threats to Ocean Health:garbage washed up on shore

  • Overfishing: Unsustainable fishing practices, including overfishing and bycatch, deplete fish stocks and disrupt marine food webs.
  • Pollution: Plastic pollution, oil spills, chemical runoff, and marine debris pose significant threats to marine life and ecosystems.
  • Climate Change: Rising sea temperatures, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise driven by climate change endanger marine habitats and species.

Conservation Solutions:

  • Implementing where necessary fishing practices, such as catch limits, gear restrictions, and marine protected areas, to rebuild fish stocks and ensure long-term sustainability
  • Adopting measures to reduce plastic wastefish in aquarium
  • Improve waste management infrastructure
  • Promote recycling and reuse initiatives to prevent pollution from entering the ocean
  • Support beach cleanups, river cleanups, and coastal cleanup events to remove plastic debris and prevent it from entering the marine environment.
  • Promote ocean literacy and environmental education to raise awareness about the importance of ocean conservation and inspire action among individuals, communities, and future generations.
  • Support initiatives that integrate marine science, conservation, and stewardship into school curricula, community programs, and public outreach activities.
  • Choose sourced seafood products certified by reputable organizations
  • Climate Action: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and support initiatives to protect coastal habitats

The ocean is a precious resource that sustains life on Earth and supports countless human activities. By recognizing the importance of the ocean we can ensure a healthy and thriving ocean for future generations to enjoy. Let’s work together to safeguard our seas for the benefit of all.

This may be an sensitive topic & post for some*

Importance of a Car Escape Tool:

  1. Emergency Situations: In the event of an accident or vehicle submersion in water, a car escape tool provides a  means of breaking windows or cutting through seat belts to facilitate escape.
  2. Time-Sensitive Scenarios: During emergencies, every second counts. A car escape tool allows for swift action, reducing the time needed to exit a vehicle and increasing the likelihood of survival.
  3. Peace of Mind: Have a car escape tool readily accessible in your vehicle so you can drive with confidence knowing that you’re prepared for unforeseen emergencies.

How to Use a Car Escape Tool:

We offer this SuperVizor XT Car Escape Tool – visor mountable – found here!

  1. Window Breaking:
    • Hold the car escape tool firmly in your hand, ensuring a secure grip.
    • Locate the corner of the window farthest away from you or the center of the window for optimal results.
    • Using swift and forceful motion, strike the window with the pointed end of the tool.
    • Repeat the action if necessary until the window shatters completely, allowing for safe exit from the vehicle.
  2. Seat Belt Cutting:
    • In the event of a seat belt entrapment, retrieve the car escape tool from its holder or storage location (glove box or middle console – the backseat or trunk is not accessible).
    • Position the blade of the tool against the seat belt strap, ensuring that it’s aligned with the cutting edge.
    • Apply pressure and saw back and forth in a swift motion until the seat belt is severed, allowing for easy escape from the vehicle.
  3. Emergency Assistance:
    • Once you’ve safely exited the vehicle, use any built-in features of the car escape tool, such as a flashlight or whistle, to attract attention and signal for help.
    • Contact emergency services and provide details of your location and situation to expedite rescue efforts.

Considerations for Car Escape Tools:

  • Accessibility: Keep your car escape tool within reach of the driver’s seat, ideally mounted or stored in a designated location such as the center console, glove compartment, or door pocket. Ensure that all passengers are aware of the tool’s location in case it’s needed in an emergency.
  • Quality and Reliability: Invest in a high-quality car escape tool from a reputable manufacturer. Look for features such as durable construction, sharp cutting blades, and reliable window-breaking mechanisms to ensure effectiveness during emergencies.
  • Training and Familiarization: Familiarize yourself and your passengers with the operation of the car escape tool. Consider practicing using the tool in a controlled environment to build confidence and ensure readiness in real-life emergency situations.
  • Maintenance: Regularly inspect your car escape tool to ensure that it remains in good working condition. Check for any signs of damage, corrosion, or wear and tear, and replace the tool if necessary to maintain its effectiveness.
  • Additional Safety Measures: While a car escape tool is an essential safety device, it’s also important to practice safe driving habits and vehicle maintenance to reduce the risk of accidents and emergencies on the road. Regularly check your vehicle’s brakes, tires, lights, and other essential components to ensure optimal performance. Be aware of driving conditions before you go.


Having a car escape tool in your vehicle is essential for preparing for emergencies on the road. You can enhance your safety and readiness in unforeseen situations. Be sure to keep your car escape tool easily accessible within your vehicle and familiarize yourself with its operation. Ensure your quick and efficient response during emergencies!