phone call

I am not sure about you, but sometimes those pesky telemarketers can be a real nuisance. Let us learn ways to protect ourselves with the following information:

“If you live in Canada, you can choose to reduce the number of telemarketing calls you receive by registering your residential, wireless, fax or VoIP telephone number on the National Do Not Call List (DNCL). If your telephone number is not linked to a business line, then you are considered to be a consumer for the purposes of the National DNCL.

If you’re a telemarketer, you have to abide by the Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules (UTR), register with and pay to use the DNCL” -direct quote from the website

Who is the CRTC?

Check out their website here.

The CRTC, or the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, is an independent regulatory agency of the Canadian Federal government. It is responsible for regulating and supervising the broadcasting and telecommunications sectors in Canada.

The CRTC’s mandate includes:

  1. Licensing and regulating broadcasting and telecommunications companies to ensure they adhere to Canadian content regulations, promote Canadian culture, and provide affordable services.
  2. Overseeing the distribution and allocation of broadcasting frequencies.
  3. Resolving disputes between broadcasting and telecommunications companies, consumers, and other stakeholders.
  4. Promoting competition and innovation within the industry.
  5. Ensuring that Canadians have access to a wide variety of high-quality broadcasting and telecommunications services.

How Do I Stop Telemarketers?

I went through the process myself to test it. Please be aware that by registering you are in fact providing your phone number to the National Database as a number NOT to call.

#1: Visit the CRTC website – link here

#2: Read through the website to familiarize yourself with the details. There are multiple exempt from telemarketing business types.

#3: Add your phone number, click Register.


Note: It states that current telemarketers have 30 days left to be able to contact you before it is in full effect.

(Image above from CRTC website)


And here is one more way to protect ourselves against fraudulent activity. Go to our article about fraud prevention/preparations next. Happy safe-guarding!

computer code

Lets explore the top threats to our digital privacy so we are prepared in the cyber world. This includes:

  • Data Breaches
  • Phishing Attacks
  • Identity Theft
  • Malware & Spyware

Data Breaches

Data breaches occur when cybercriminals gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. These breaches can expose personal data, financial records, and more. Cybersecurity preparedness includes using strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and monitoring your accounts for suspicious activity.

Example of a Data Breach

This past year I had an ongoing attack on my credit card. It took the credit card company 4 new cards within a 3 months period to figure it out, and correct the problem. The purchase I made it turns out the breached company had stored my personal information, including my name, email address, and credit card details. The company had a vast database of customer accounts and transactions.

Here’s how a data breach simply occurs and is handled:hacking and deception

  • An attacker identifies a vulnerability in the e-commerce company’s website or server.
  • They exploit this vulnerability, gaining unauthorized access to the company’s network and databases.
      • They may copy entire databases containing customer records, payment information, and purchase histories.
  • The breach is discovered.
  • Upon confirming the breach, the company’s IT and security teams work to contain the situation.
  • The company is legally obligated to notify affected customers about the breach.
  • The affected company takes steps to mitigate the damage.
      • This includes enhancing security measures, conducting a post-incident analysis to understand how the breach occurred, and working to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks involve deceptive emails or messages that aim to trick recipients into revealing personal information, such as passwords and credit card details.

Example of a Phishing Attack

Imagine you receive an email in your inbox with the subject line: “URGENT: Account Security Issue – Immediate Action Required.” The sender’s email address looks like it’s from a well-known financial institution, say, “” The body of the email appears official and contains the bank’s logo. The email message states that there has been unusual activity detected on your account and warns you to take immediate action or your account will be suspended. To resolve the issue, you are instructed to click on a link provided in the email.

Here’s some ways you might be deceived:

  • The email creates a sense of urgency, pressuring you to act quickly. This is a common tactic in phishing attacks to prevent you from thinking rationally.
  • While it appears to be from your bank, examine the sender’s email address carefully and you will notice subtle differences.
  • The email contains a link that directs you to a website that closely resembles your bank’s official website.
  • Once you click on the link, you are taken to a webpage that appears to be a login page for your bank account. It prompts you to enter your username, password, and other personal information.
  • If you enter your details, the information is captured by the cybercriminals behind the phishing attack. They use this information for identity theft, unauthorized access to your accounts, or other fraudulent activities.

Identity Theft

hacking and internet safety

Identity theft is a grave threat, as it can have severe financial and personal consequences. Safeguard your identity by regularly being cautious about sharing personal information online.

Let’s consider a scenario where an individual, Sarah, becomes a victim of identity theft:

  • Sarah’s personal information has been accessed. This information can be collected through hacking into a poorly secured online account, finding sensitive documents in the trash, or stealing mail from her mailbox.
  • The stolen information may include her full name, date of birth, and address.
  • The identity thief decides to open a credit card account in Sarah’s name.
  • They start making unauthorized purchases.
  • Sarah notices unfamiliar credit card statements arriving at her address. She receives calls from debt collectors about unpaid bills on an account she knows nothing about.
  • Alarmed by the situation, Sarah contacts the credit card company. She reports to them, the police and requests the account to be closed.
  • The hard steps come as Sarah will now need to work with the credit card company to prove that she is the victim and not responsible for the fraudulent charges. She may need to file disputes, provide identity theft affidavits, and closely monitor her credit report for any further fraudulent activity.
  • Sarah’s credit score may be affected, making it challenging for her to access credit in the future.

Ways to Safeguard Against Identity Theft: Secure your mail and personal documents, shred discarded personal documents, use secure passwords online, secure your WIFI network, keep your mobile phone locked, monitor your finances and credit cards

Wi-Fi and Network Vulnerabilities

Unsecured Wi-Fi networks can be exploited by hackers. Protect your network by using strong encryption, changing default router passwords, and avoiding public Wi-Fi for sensitive activities.

Malware and Spyware

internet security

Malicious software and spyware can infiltrate your devices. Use reputable antivirus and anti-malware software, keep your operating system and applications up to date, and avoid downloading files from suspicious sources.

Malware (Malicious Software): Malware is a broad term that is software designed to harm, exploit, or compromise a computer system or network. Common types of malware include:

  • Viruses attach themselves to legitimate files and programs, spreading when those files are executed. They can damage or corrupt data and software.
  • Worms are standalone programs that replicate themselves and spread to other systems over networks. They can overload networks and consume resources.
  • Adware displays unwanted and often intrusive advertisements. It can slow down your computer and compromise your online privacy.

Spyware: Spyware is a type of malware that focuses on collecting information from a computer or device without the user’s knowledge or consent. It is used for espionage, data theft, or tracking a user’s online behavior. Here are some common characteristics of spyware:

  • Designed to gather information, such as keystrokes, login credentials, browsing history, and personal data, from the infected device.
  • Spyware operates quietly in the background without the user’s awareness. It is challenging to detect, making it a serious privacy threat.
  • The collected data is sent to a remote server or a control center where cybercriminals access and misuse it.
  • Spyware has various purposes, including identity theft, surveillance, advertising, and unauthorized monitoring.

Cybersecurity Preparedness

  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity threats and trends to adapt your defenses accordingly.
  • Strong Passwords: Use complex, unique passwords for each online account and consider using a password manager.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your software, apps, and devices updated to patch vulnerabilities.
  • Back Up Data: Regularly back up your important data to protect against data loss from ransomware or hardware failure.
  • Privacy Settings: Review and adjust the privacy settings on your social media accounts and devices.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn about cybersecurity best practices and share this knowledge with family and friends.

Protecting your digital privacy is an ongoing process. By learning about and understanding the top threats to your online security and taking proactive steps for cybersecurity preparedness, you can reduce the risks and enjoy a safer and more secure online experience. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay secure in the digital age.

phone call

Learn about other helpful phone numbers in Canada for contacting local government services, community resources, and phone services. Here’s a summary of what they are for:

Canada’s Contact Number List

  • 9-1-1: This is the primary emergency number in Canada. It should be dialed in case of emergencies requiring police, fire, or medical assistance.
  • 8-1-1: This number connects you to Health Link. Health Link offers 24/7 health advice and information from registered nurses. It’s not intended for emergencies but for non-urgent health inquiries.
  • 7-1-1: A telecommunications relay service number used by individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired. It connects them to relay service operators who facilitate communication between the caller and the recipient using various communication methods.
  • 5-1-1: This service offers information about road conditions, traffic updates, weather alerts, and construction, aiding motorists in planning their routes and staying informed about potential hazards or delays while traveling.
  • 4-1-1: When dialed, an operator can provide phone numbers, addresses, and contact information for businesses, individuals, and government agencies. Some service providers may charge a fee for using this service.
  • 3-1-1: In many cities and municipalities across Canada, 3-1-1 is a non-emergency number for accessing local government services and information. It connects you to a municipal call center where you can report issues like potholes, noise complaints, and garbage collection inquiries. *May vary across the provinces & territories.
  • 2-1-1: This is a non-emergency phone number that provides access to community, social, health, and government services. When dialed, you can get information about resources available in your community, such as food banks, shelters, counseling services, and employment support.
  • 9-8-8: This is the call number for the suicide prevention hotline.


Remember to use these contact numbers responsibly and appropriately based on the situation you are facing. Whether it’s an emergency, a health inquiry, travel information, or accessing community services, knowing the right number to call can make a significant difference in getting the assistance you need. Program them with a description into your phone and you’ll always have them handy! Or, add them to your LifeLine document (our free class)! Contact our customer service for more information.

computer code

The CAFC (Canadian Anti-Fraud Center)

Quoted off their website: The CAFC is a national police service that gathers intelligence on fraud across Canada and assists Police of Jurisdiction with enforcement and prevention efforts. They help citizens and businesses:

  • report fraud
  • learn about different types of fraud
  • recognize the warning signs of fraud
  • protect themselves from fraud

They also provide information to law enforcement and governments in Canada and around the world. Our goals include:

  • disrupting crime
  • strengthening the partnership between the private and public sectors
  • maintaining Canada’s economy

How do I Protect Myself from Fraud?

In today’s digital age, fraudsters are increasingly sophisticated, making it crucial for Canadians to stay vigilant and protect themselves against scams. Here are some essential fraud prevention tips to safeguard your finances and personal information:

  • Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Communications: Whether it’s an email, phone call, or text message, be cautious of unsolicited communications, especially if they request personal or financial information. Legitimate organizations won’t ask you to provide sensitive information out of the blue.
  • Verify the Identity of the Caller: If you receive a call from someone claiming to represent a bank, government agency, or service provider, ask for their name, organization, and contact information. Hang up and independently verify their identity before providing any information.This is called “Spoofing”. CAFC states the following:

Protect yourself from spoofing by

  • Never assuming that phone numbers appearing on your call display are accurate
  • Hang up and make the outgoing call when someone claims to be contacting you from your financial institution, service provider, law enforcement or government agency
  • Call the company or agency in question directly, if you receive a text message or email. Make sure you research their contact information and don’t use the information provided in the first message
  • Never clicking on links received via text message or email
  • When visiting a website, always verify the URL and domain to make sure you are on the official website
      1. Caller ID spoofing: Fraudsters have the ability to manipulate the phone number appearing on call display either by call or text message. Fraudsters can display legitimate phone numbers for law enforcement agencies, financial institutions, government agencies or service providers.
      2. Email spoofing: Similar to Caller ID spoofing, fraudsters can manipulate the sender’s email address in order to make you believe that the email you’re receiving is from a legitimate source.
      3. Website spoofing: Fraudsters will create fraudulent websites that look legitimate. The fake websites can pretend to be a financial institution, company offering employment, investment company or government agency. In many cases, fraudsters will use a similar domain/website URL to the legitimate company or organization with a minor spelling difference.
More Way to Protect From Fraud:
  • Protect Personal Information: Avoid sharing sensitive information, such as your Social Insurance Number (SIN), banking details, or passwords, unless you initiated the communication and trust the recipient. Keep sensitive documents and passwords secure, and shred any documents containing personal information before discarding them.
  • Monitor Your Accounts Regularly: Keep a close eye on your bank and credit card statements for any unauthorized transactions. Report any suspicious activity to your financial institution immediately.
  • Use Strong Passwords and Security Measures: Create unique, complex passwords for your online accounts and change them regularly. Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.
  • Stay Informed About Common Scams: Stay up-to-date on the latest fraud schemes targeting Canadians, such as phishing scams, identity theft, and romance scams. Knowledge is your best defense against fraudsters.
  • Trust Your Instincts: If something seems too good to be true or feels off, trust your instincts and proceed with caution. Take your time to research and verify offers or requests before taking action.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you believe you’ve been targeted by fraud or have fallen victim to a scam, report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) and your local authorities. Reporting scams helps authorities track and prevent fraudulent activities.

Most importantly, do not be afraid to say NO!

Reporting Fraud

While it is important to report fraud to the police, here are a few reasons why it’s also important to report the CAFC (quoted from the website)

  • Information could link a number of crimes together, in Canada and abroad
  • Information could progress or complete an investigation
  • Reports show crime trends and allows for crime forecasting
  • It helps law enforcement, private and public sector, academia etc. to learn about the crimes and help with prevention and awareness efforts

If You’ve Become a Victim:

internet security

Remember, these criminals are getting smarter and trickier. It can happen just about anyone.

  • Stay calm.
  • Collect your thoughts.
  • Contact your financial institutions.
  • Contact the CAFC.
  • Share with friends and family to help them avoid the same situation.
  • Learn and move forward! You got this.
having a discussion

In a world that often seems unpredictable and chaotic lets remember the motto “Be prepared, not scared”. The key to navigating through life’s uncertainties lies in preparation rather than fear. Adopt a proactive mindset to empower yourself to face challenges head-on.

Embracing a Proactive Mindset

Anticipate Challenges: One of the cornerstones of preparation is anticipating potential challenges. By identifying hurdles in advance, you can develop strategies to overcome them. Look at your professional and personal life for ways that challenges arise.

Set Goals and Objectives: Have clear goals and objectives. Define what success looks like for you and create a roadmap to achieve it. Set realistic and achievable milestones to help you stay focused and motivated.

Continuous Learning: A proactive mindset includes a commitment to continuous learning. Stay informed about changes in your industry, acquire new skills, and broaden your knowledge base. This not only enhances your adaptability but also positions you as a valuable asset in any situation.

Preparedness in Daily Life

Financial Security: Establish an emergency fund, manage your budget, and invest in your future. This financial preparedness provides a safety net during unexpected events.

Health and Well-being: Prioritize your health by adopting a proactive approach. Take preventative measures through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and routine health check-ups to to overall well-being.

Time Management: Organize your daily tasks, prioritize responsibilities, and set realistic deadlines. This not only reduces stress but also ensures that you are well-prepared for upcoming challenges.

Emergency Food Storage: Having 1, 3, 6, 9, or 12 month food & water storage can remove stress from an emergency situation (short or long term). Contact our team at Briden Solutions, or email for more support and help with this category.

Facing the Unknown with Confidence

Crisis Preparedness: Life is unpredictable, and unforeseen crises can occur. Establish a crisis management plan for both personal and professional scenarios. Having a well-thought-out plan allows you to respond calmly and effectively in times of crisis.

Emotional Resilience: Being prepared extends beyond the tangible aspects of life. Cultivate emotional resilience by developing coping mechanisms for stress and adversity. This mental preparedness equips you to face challenges with a clear and focused mind.

Adaptability: While preparation is important, so is adaptability. Be open to change, and be willing to adjust your plans when necessary. A rigid mindset can hinder progress, but a prepared and adaptable approach ensures you are ready for whatever comes your way.

Assessing your own flexibility and rigidity can be a valuable self-reflection exercise. Here are some questions to help you gauge your level of adaptability and openness to change:

  1. How do you react to unexpected changes in your plans or routine?
    • Are you able to adapt quickly, or does it cause significant stress and discomfort?
  2. In what ways have you embraced new ideas or perspectives in the last year?
    • Reflect on instances where you were open to changing your viewpoint or considering alternative opinions.
  3. Are you comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty, or do you prefer clear-cut plans?
    • Consider your tolerance for situations where outcomes are uncertain.
  4. How often do you seek feedback on your work or behavior?
    • Openness to feedback can be an indicator of a flexible mindset.
  5. Do you find it challenging to let go of control in certain situations?
    • Consider whether you have a tendency to micromanage or if you can delegate effectively.
  6. Are you resistant to change, even if it might lead to improvement?
    • Evaluate your attitude towards change, especially when it comes to making improvements in your personal or professional life.
  7. Think about a recent disagreement. Were you willing to compromise or stuck to your position rigidly?
    • Assess your ability to find common ground and collaborate with others.
  8. How do you respond to constructive criticism?
    • Reflect on whether you are open to feedback or if you become defensive when receiving constructive criticism.
  9. In what areas of your life do you resist trying new things or taking risks?
    • Identify aspects where you might be avoiding stepping out of your comfort zone.

Take questions such as these, and decide what kind of flexibility you hold, and should you find yourself closer to rigidity, embrace who you are! Create ways in your plan to communicate that to others during a crisis. Prepare yourself and learns ways (such as what is listed above) to handle moments that may cause you stress. Knowledge is power.

Self-awareness is the first step toward personal growth and positive change, so use these questions as a starting point for understanding and improving your adaptability.


In the face of uncertainty, being prepared is a powerful tool for navigating life’s journey. The proactive mindset is not about living in constant fear but rather about facing challenges with confidence, armed with the knowledge and resources to overcome them. So, let’s embrace the mantra: “Be prepared, not scared,” and approach life with a sense of readiness and resilience!


pile of files organization

In life’s unpredictable journey, having a well-organized comprehensive compilation of your essential documents can be helpful. Use this checklist to help you get your documents in order, and also check out our other blog post about an Emergency Binder.

Let’s explore the documents you need, then take a look at all the Why’s:

1. Personal Identification:
  • Birth certificates
  • Passport
  • Driver’s license
  • Social Security card/Social Insurance card
  • Marriage certificate
  • Divorce decree
2. Financial Documents:
  • Bank account information
  • Investment account details
  • Retirement account statements
  • Tax returns (up to 7 years)
  • Insurance policies (life, health, property, vehicles)
  • Will, living will and estate plan
3. Property and Asset Records:
  • Property deeds
  • Vehicle titles
  • Mortgage documents
  • Rental/lease agreements
  • Inventory of valuable assets
4. Health and Medical Records:
  • Health insurance cards
  • Immunization records
  • Medication list
  • Living will and healthcare power of attorney
  • Medical history
5. Emergency Preparedness:
  • Emergency contact list
  • Evacuation plan
  • Family communication plan
  • Copies of essential documents in a waterproof container or digital format
  • Food storage inventory
6. Legal Documents:
  • Power of attorney (financial and healthcare)
  • Advanced healthcare directives
  • Trust documents
  • Guardianship arrangements for dependents
  • Prenuptial or postnuptial agreements
  • Citizenship documents
7. Education and Employment Records:
  • Diplomas and certificates
  • Professional licenses
  • Employment contracts
  • Transcripts and academic records
8. Passwords and Digital Assets:
  • Password list for online accounts
  • Instructions for accessing digital assets
  • Encryption keys and codes
9. Safety Deposit Box Contents:
  • Inventory of items in the safety deposit box
  • Access information and keys
10. Other
  • Pet insurance details
  • Pet medical details
  • Other necessary pet documentation
  • Warranties
  • Dependents: all of the above that is applicable, plus details  pertaining to their education, extra curriculars, and any other pertinent information

Now Lets Talk About the WHY:

Keep your documents organized and gathered for several reasons:

    • Quick Access in Emergencies: During emergencies such as natural disasters, accidents, or sudden health crises, having documents readily accessible helps. Quick access to documents like ID, insurance policies, and medical records can facilitate prompt and effective response. It also helps in grab-and-go situations. No hunting for information.
    • Streamlined Legal Processes: Organized documents simplify legal transactions. A will, handling a real estate transaction, or managing financial affairs, having necessary documents readily available ensures smooth processes.
    • Financial Planning and Budgeting: Organize financial documents, including bank statements, tax returns, and investment records. This helps in making informed decisions about investments, savings, and budget allocation.
    • Prompt Medical Attention: Access to organized medical records, health insurance information, and directives allows for prompt and accurate medical attention during emergencies. This is particularly important for individuals with chronic conditions or specific healthcare needs.
    • Preservation of Family Legacy: Well-organized documents contribute to the preservation of your family’s history and legacy. This includes educational records, certificates, and other documents that tell the story of your life and achievements. Another term for this is “Family History”. There are many wonderful places and sources to upload and preserve such documents for future generations, such as the website Ancestry.
    • Day-to-Day Convenience: Overall, having organized documents streamlines daily operations. It makes it easier to file taxes, renew licenses, apply for loans, and perform various tasks that require documentation.

In summary, keeping your documents organized is a proactive and empowering step towards personal and financial well-being. It enhances your ability to respond to emergencies, facilitates efficient daily operations, and contributes to a legacy of clarity and security for your loved ones.

Lessons Learned: Do you have a functioning system that you’d like to share and have showcased on the blog? Email us at

Last will and testament

A will is more than a legal document. It is a powerful tool for securing your legacy and your wishes. In this article, we explore why having a will is essential, who should have one, and details to safeguard your assets.

Note: The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.

Why Have a Will?

  • Control Over Your Estate: You specify how your assets are distributed among beneficiaries. This ensures that your wishes are respected.
  • Control Over Inheritance: Without a will, your estate may be subject to intestacy laws, and the distribution of assets may not align with your preferences.
  • Personalized Asset Distribution: A will allows you to make specific requests, ensuring that sentimental or valuable items go to designated individuals or organizations.
  • Appointment of Guardians: If you have minor children or a family member with special needs, a will enables you to appoint guardians who will take responsibility for their care in the event of your passing. In some cases this means a statement denying guardianship to certain individuals.
  • Ensuring Business Continuity: If you own a business, a will can outline your wishes regarding the succession of the business, helping ensure its continuity after your passing.
  • Supporting Causes You Care About: A will allows you to include charitable donations or gifts to causes that are important to you, leaving a lasting impact beyond your lifetime.
Choosing an Executor:

You can designate an executor in your will to manage the distribution of your assets and carry out your wishes. This person plays a key role in the execution of your estate plan.

Key responsibilities of an executor typically include:

  • Probate Process: Initiating and overseeing the probate process, which is the legal recognition and validation of the will by the court.
  • Asset Management: Identifying, gathering, and managing the deceased person’s assets, including property, bank accounts, investments, and personal belongings.
  • Debt Settlement: Settling any outstanding debts and liabilities of the deceased, often using the assets from the estate.
  • Distribution of Assets: Distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries as specified in the will.
  • Legal Responsibilities: Handling legal matters related to the estate, including filing necessary documents and addressing any legal challenges that may arise.
  • Communication with Beneficiaries: Keeping beneficiaries informed about the progress of the estate settlement and addressing any questions they may have.
  • Funeral and Burial Arrangements: In some cases, the executor may also be responsible for carrying out the deceased person’s wishes regarding funeral and burial arrangements.

For an individual creating a will, choose an executor carefully. Select someone trustworthy, organized, and capable of handling the responsibilities associated with settling an estate. Executors can be family members, friends, or professionals. It’s common for individuals to discuss their choice with the intended executor beforehand to ensure they are willing to take on this role.

Who Has a Will?

  • Everyone: Regardless of age or financial status, everyone can have a will. A will enforces that your wishes are respected and your loved ones are taken care of.

How to Get a Will:

  • Seek Legal Advice: Consult with an attorney specializing in estate planning to ensure your will complies with local laws and addresses your unique circumstances.
  • Use Online Platforms: Several online platforms offer templates for creating a basic will. While convenient, it’s advisable to review the document with a legal professional to ensure its validity.

Important Details to Include In Your Will:

  • List of Assets and Liabilities: Provide a list of your assets, including properties, bank accounts, investments, and outstanding debts.
  • Specify Beneficiaries: Clearly identify individuals or organizations that will inherit your assets. Be specific to avoid ambiguity.
  • Appoint Guardians: If you have minor children, clearly state who will assume guardianship responsibilities.
  • Executor Designation: Name an executor and provide their contact information. Ensure they are willing to take on this responsibility.
  • Funeral Wishes: Express your preferences for your funeral and burial arrangements to guide your loved ones during a difficult time.


A will is a vital document; it’s a manifestation of your care and consideration for your loved ones. By taking the time to create a will, you empower yourself to shape your legacy.  Lets protect our families, and provide them clarity during challenging times. The process of creating a will is a valuable investment in securing your wishes and ensuring peace of mind for both you and your heirs.

protesting in the streets gathering

In an era of social change and activism, understanding how to stay safe during civil unrest is crucial. Let me offer some strategies to navigate protests and riots while prioritizing personal safety and well-being.

What Is Civil Unrest?

Civil unrest refers to a situation in which there is a disturbance, disorder, or conflict typically involving a large group of people. This can manifest as protests, demonstrations, riots, strikes, or other forms of public expression of discontent or dissatisfaction.

Key characteristics of civil unrest include:

  • Public Dissatisfaction: Often arises from a sense of dissatisfaction or frustration within a population.
  • Collective Action: Individuals who share common concerns or grievances. This  can take the form of peaceful protests, demonstrations, or escalate to violence and rioting.
  • Expression of Discontent: This expression can involve a range of activities, from peaceful marches to confrontational actions.
  • Government Response: Civil unrest often triggers a response from law enforcement to maintain public order. The level of response varies based on the nature and intensity of the unrest.

Positive & Negative Aspects of Civil Unrest:

peaceful protest

Positive Aspects:
  • A powerful means for people to express their dissent or disagreement with existing social, political, or economic conditions.
  • Advocacy for Change
  • Awareness: Fosters discussions that lead to positive societal changes.
Negative Aspects:
  • Violence
  • Social Division
  • Economic Impact

Ultimately, the assessment of civil unrest depends on one’s values, beliefs, and the specific context of each situation. It is important to recognize the diversity of perspectives within a society and communicate safely to address issues to reach positive solutions..

peaceful protests

How Can I Be Prepared?

Stay Informed:

Stay on top of current events and potential protests in your area. Utilize trusted news sources and social media responsibly to stay informed about the nature and location of gatherings.

  • Example: During the G20 protests in Toronto in 2010, staying informed about the permitted demonstration areas helped individuals avoid areas of potential conflict.
Plan Your Route:

If you find yourself near a protest, plan your route carefully. Identify exit points and alternative routes to ensure a quick and safe exit if needed.

  • Example: During the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, many participants in Ottawa strategically planned their routes to peacefully express their views while avoiding confrontations.
Dress Appropriately:

Wear neutral clothing and avoid clothing that could be associated with specific groups. Dress comfortably, wear sturdy footwear, and consider protecting your eyes and respiratory system with goggles and masks, depending on the severity of the protest/gathering.

  • Example: Protesters in Vancouver during the 2011 Stanley Cup riots who dressed casually were less likely to be targeted than those wearing team-affiliated clothing.
Maintain a Safe Distance:

Keep a safe distance from the crowd and law enforcement. This minimizes the risk of being caught up in confrontations and allows you space to react if situations escalate.

  • Example: During the Quebec student protests in 2012, maintaining a safe distance from police lines helped individuals avoid unnecessary confrontations.
Carry Identification:

Have a form of identification on you at all times. This is essential in case of arrest or medical emergencies.

  • Example: During the student Montreal protests to prevent tuition increases and cuts to social services in 2015, individuals who carried identification were able to facilitate faster processing if detained or require registration/ check ins.
Communicate with Family and Friends:

Inform someone you trust about your whereabouts and expected return time. Establish check-in points to update loved ones on your safety during and after any event.

  • Example: In the aftermath of the 2019 climate protests in various Canadian cities, effective communication helped reassure concerned family members.
Know Your Rights:

Understand your rights when participating in a protest. Familiarize yourself with laws regarding assembly and free speech to ensure you can exercise your rights confidently. Might I point out that every human has the right to personal safety.

  • Example: During the ‘Idle No More’ protests in 2012, indigenous rights activists were well-versed in their rights, contributing to a peaceful expression of their grievances.
Be Mindful of Digital Footprint:

Exercise caution when sharing information online. Avoid disclosing sensitive personal details and be aware that law enforcement may monitor social media, especially if things escalate.

  • Example: Participants in the 2018 Trans Mountain pipeline protests in British Columbia were cautious about their online presence to protect their privacy.


As Canadians engage in civic discourse, being prepared is a responsibility we all share. By staying informed, planning ahead, and prioritizing personal safety, we can contribute to a society where peaceful expression exists. This guide empowers individuals to engage in activism safely, fostering a culture where voices can be heard without compromising personal safety.

Democracy by definition is a form of government in which the power to govern is vested in the hands of the people. It is a system where citizens have the ability to participate in decision-making processes, either directly or through elected representatives. Let us all show respect to each other as people voice their own personal choices and opinions, which I can guarantee will likely differ from yours and mine. Have a lovely day!

kindness pass it on

Upper Kananaskis Lake

Navigating in the wilderness is a fundamental skill that can mean the difference between getting lost and finding your way to safety. Understanding navigation techniques is important for your safety, so let us discuss various skills necessary:

1. Using Maps and Compasses

Topographic Maps:
  • When venturing into the wilderness, always carry a topographic map of the area. These maps provide detailed information about terrain, landmarks, and elevation.
Understand the Basics:

Start by looking at the map’s title and the legend (key) to understand what symbols and colors mean. This will help you make sense of the map’s details.

map Legend

This is the legend of my Kananaskis Lake map:

You can read on a map’s Legend details such as solid black lines mean paved roads, dotted red lines show a hiking trail, while a block dotted line will show a snowshoe trail.

Determine Elevation:

Fossil Falls, Aster Lake, KananaskisContour lines are the squiggly lines on the map. They represent the shape of the land. Closely spaced lines mean steep terrain, while widely spaced lines show flat or gently sloping areas.

Each contour line has a number indicating its elevation above sea level. Read these numbers to figure out how high or low the land is. Lines closer together mean you’re going up or down a steep hill or mountain.

Identify Features: Look for natural and man-made features like rivers, lakes, roads, and buildings. They are usually marked with symbols and labels on the map.

Use the Scale: The map has a scale that tells you how far distances on the map are in the real world. For example, if the scale is 1:24,000, it means that one inch on the map equals 24,000 inches (or about 2,000 feet) in real life. This helps you estimate distances.

Check Grid Lines: Grid lines, like latitude and longitude or UTM, help you find your exact location. Think of them as a big grid system that you can use to pinpoint where you are on the map.

Orient the Map:

Make sure your map is oriented in the right direction. You can use a compass to align the map with the real world so that north on the map matches north in reality.

Plan Your Route: If you’re hiking or exploring, use the map to plan your route. Follow the contour lines to see if you’ll be going uphill or downhill. Use landmarks and grid lines to stay on course.

Practice: Reading topographic maps takes practice. The more you use them, the better you’ll get at understanding the landscape and making informed decisions. I suggest using a map on a trail you’re very comfortable and familiar with, and follow the markings on the map to learn how to navigate.

compass to figure out what direction to go

Compasses: A reliable compass is an important tool. To use it effectively:

  • Hold the compass flat and ensure the magnetic needle aligns with the “N” on the compass.
  • Rotate your body until the needle points north. Now, you know which way is north and can determine other directions accordingly.

2. Orienting Yourself

Find a Prominent Feature:

  • Start by locating a prominent feature on your map that is also visible in your surroundings. This could be a mountain, lake, or any distinctive terrain feature.

Compare Locations:

  • Compare the feature’s location on the map with its actual location in the wilderness. This will help you pinpoint your current position.

3. Using the Sun and Stars

Daytime Navigation: Use the sun’s position during the day to identify east and west. Remember that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Nighttime Navigation: In the Northern Hemisphere, locate the North Star (Polaris) at night. It’s a fixed point in the northern sky and can help you find true north.Here’s a simple way to locate the North Star:

    1. Locate the Big Dipper:big dipper at nightThe Big Dipper is a well-known constellation and is part of the Ursa Major (Great Bear) constellation. It looks like a ladle or a saucepan with a long handle. It’s usually visible in the night sky, and its shape makes it easy to recognize.
    2. Identify the “Pointer Stars”:
      • Two stars at the end of the Big Dipper’s ladle or bowl are called “Pointer Stars” because they point the way to the North Star. These two stars are Merak and Dubhe.
    3. Draw an Imaginary Line:
      • Imagine a line that connects the two Pointer Stars, Merak and Dubhe, extending away from the Big Dipper’s bowl.
    4. Extend the Line Approximately Five Times:
      • Extend the imaginary line from the Pointer Stars approximately five times its length beyond the Big Dipper.
    5. You’ve Found Polaris (the North Star):
      • The point where your extended line leads to is the location of the North Star, Polaris. It’s the only relatively stationary star in the northern sky and remains nearly directly above the North Pole.

4. Landmarks and Tracking

  • Natural Landmarks: Pay attention to natural landmarks, such as distinctive trees, rock formations, or water bodies. These can help guide your way and serve as reference points.
  • Game Trails and Animal Tracks: Game trails and animal tracks often lead to water sources. Following these paths can be a reliable way to find water, a critical resource for survival.

5. Staying Put When Lost

  • Safety First: If you become disoriented or lost, prioritize safety. Avoid wandering further, as it can lead to more confusion.
  • Build a Signal: Create a prominent signal fire near your location. Gather dry wood and light it with matches, a lighter, or a fire starter. Use damp leaves, green vegetation, or rubber from the inner tube of a bicycle tire to create smoke for visibility.
  • Shelter and Water: While waiting for rescue, build a shelter to protect yourself from the elements. Collect and purify water, and conserve your resources.

Lesson Learned:

Upper Kananaskis LakeLet me tell you a personal experience that resulted in the starting of my journey learning to read a map! My friend Amanda and I were hiking from the Kananaskis Lakes parking lot, in search of Fossil Falls (as we are waterfall enthusiasts). I had done some pre-planning in the sense that I had read and studied the description in the Gillean Daffern’s guidebook.

We reached all the described landmarks, and were on a trail (that in hindsight may or may not have been an animal trail) heading onward. Eventually we hit a junction, crossing onto a very populated hiking trail. We sat down for a bite to eat, and when the next human passed us by, we asked him how much farther to the waterfall.

It was at this point that we knew we had done something wrong, because the look on this fellows face was priceless. “What waterfall?” he replied. He pulled out his map for us to look at and show us where we actually were. As our luck would have it, we had actually hiked approximately 5-6kms WEST towards Three Isle Lake from Upper K (having overshot our turn off trail by about 1km), instead of heading SOUTH towards Fossil Falls.

Since then, I always carry a map and download my map on my AllTrails map.  Out of sheer honesty, this has not been the first nor the last time we have ended up in a different location than we originally planned, but we have always been prepared and gotten ourselves back on track!

On another trip we did manage to get to Fossil Falls. We had plans to go all the way to Aster Lake, but the time of year had some snow passages that didn’t look safe to cross, so we didn’t get all the way to the lake:


Mastering wilderness navigation skills is essential for your safety and well-being in the great outdoors. Whether you’re hiking, camping, or finding yourself in a survival situation, knowing how to use maps, compasses, natural navigation, and staying oriented can mean the difference between getting home safely or becoming lost. Always prepare for your wilderness adventures with the right tools and knowledge, and practice these navigation techniques to build your confidence and ensure a safe journey. Happy adventures!


Lets use the following 7 tips to stay calm during a crisis to better understand the human mind and enhance our resilience and adaptability. This article explores the psychology of preparedness and provides insights on how to remain calm during a crisis.

First lets start with 2 examples:

Example 1 – Getting Lost While Hiking:

Imagine you are hiking in a remote forest, and you suddenly realize you have lost your way. Panic starts to set in as you feel disoriented and anxious. You take a deep breath to calm your racing heart then remember that you brought a map and a compass, which you carefully pull out of your backpack. You sit down, study the map, and determine your approximate location by identifying nearby landmarks.

Then you use the compass to orient yourself and find the right direction. As you begin to continue your trek, you also notice your GPS communicator you packed, reassuring your safety. With a clear plan in mind, you regain your composure and continue your hike with confidence, ultimately finding your way back to safety. Staying calm and relying on your preparedness skills helped you navigate the crisis effectively.

compass to figure out what direction to go

Example 2 – The Storm:

You live in an area prone to hurricanes, and a powerful storm is approaching. As the winds howl and the rain intensifies, you hear the sound of breaking glass. A tree branch crashes through one of your windows, and water starts pouring into your home. Instead of panicking, you remember your emergency plan. You guide your family to a safe, designated area within the house and use a sturdy board and some heavy-duty plastic to quickly secure the broken window.

You’ve also prepared an emergency kit with essentials like flashlights, food, and first-aid supplies. As you wait for the storm to pass, you keep everyone calm by playing games and sharing stories. When the hurricane subsides, you’re relieved to find your home mostly intact. Your preparedness and calm, collected response ensured the safety and well-being of your family during the natural disaster crisis.

  1. Understanding the Stress Response: Fight or Flight

When confronted with a crisis, our bodies undergo a stress response commonly referred to as “fight or flight.” This physiological reaction involves the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. While this response is essential for survival, it can also lead to heightened anxiety, panic, and irrational decision-making if not managed.

This stress response can be understood as a physiological alarm system. It serves to sharpen our senses, increase alertness, and prepare the body for rapid action. The heart rate accelerates, blood pressure rises, and energy is directed towards the muscles, readying us to either confront the threat or escape from it. This is a response that has served our ancestors well in the face of physical dangers or life-threatening situations.

Understanding of the Stress Response Continued…

Today’s crises often do not require physical confrontation or flight. Instead, they demand reasoned and well-thought-out responses. The stress response can trigger heightened anxiety, clouded thinking, and a tendency to make impulsive decisions.

One aspect of understanding the stress response is recognizing that it is a natural and automatic reaction to perceived danger. It is not something to be suppressed but rather managed. In a crisis, it is not about eliminating stress but navigating it effectively. When individuals are aware of the stress response, they are better equipped to recognize when they are in its grip, allowing them to take steps to regain control.

Furthermore, understanding that the stress response is a universal human experience helps build empathy and connection during crises. Recognizing that others may be feeling the same physiological reactions can foster a sense of shared experience and solidarity. This sense of unity can be a powerful source of support and comfort in challenging times.

meditation, quiet

  1. The Role of Preparedness

One of the most effective ways to counteract the stress response is through preparedness. When individuals are well-prepared for a crisis, they are more likely to remain calm and rational. Preparation includes having a plan, knowing what to do, and having essential supplies on hand. The psychological security provided by preparedness can significantly reduce stress levels.

This has been a thought pattern in my own life. Have you ever heard an experience someone had and thought “I could never have done that”? It dawned on me that when those thoughts cross my mind, I spend time considering how I would like to handle it, and how I would respond should those unforeseen (and sometimes seemingly unforgiveable) situations came to pass. This has prepared me for countless difficult scenarios!

  1. Information Management

During a crisis, there is often a flood of information, some of which may be contradictory or confusing. Managing information effectively is a key aspect of staying calm. To do this, limit exposure to sensationalized or unreliable sources, focus on trusted information, and stay informed without becoming overwhelmed.

How do you know which sources are correct? A few tips include: Cross-check with multiple sources, look at citations and references, or check government websites for official statements.

  1. Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, are powerful tools for maintaining emotional balance. These techniques help individuals stay present in the moment, reduce anxiety, and make moremeditation, quiet rational decisions. Emotional regulation is a skill that can be developed over time, allowing individuals to manage fear, anger, and panic effectively.

Before there is an emergency: Familiarize yourself with meditation and deep breathing, stay connected, have a support system, and practice accepting the unexpected. By doing this you will find yourself better equipped to handle the fight or flight response.

  1. The Power of Positive Thinking

Optimism and positive thinking can be powerful allies during a crisis. While it’s essential to acknowledge the seriousness of the situation, maintaining a hopeful outlook can help individuals stay motivated and focused on problem-solving. Emphasizing strengths and resources rather than dwelling on limitations can also be empowering.

Pro-tip: Try to avoid telling someone else who is in the middle of their own fight-flight cycle to think positive. Focus solely on yourself in stressful situations. Those conversations can happen during a debriefing after the situation is over.

  1. Community and Social Support

Human beings are social creatures, and community support is helpful for psychological preparedness. A strong social network provides a sense of security and shared responsibility. Connecting with others who are experiencing the same crisis can help individuals feel less isolated and more resilient.

Pro-tip: Find your tribe!

  1. Adaptability and Flexibility

Preparedness doesn’t mean rigidity; it also involves adaptability. Understanding that situations can change rapidly and that adjustments may be necessary is essential. A prepared individual is more likely to stay calm when they can adapt to new information and circumstances. This will be harder for some than others, but my advice to you is that being prepared for flexibility will actually bring more calm to the rigid thinker.


The psychology of preparedness is an essential component of staying calm in a crisis. While it’s impossible to predict every crisis, the skills and mindset developed through preparedness and psychological resilience can make a significant difference in how we respond and recover from challenging situations.