8 Areas of Prep.

The 8 Areas of Preparedness have been our pillars since day 1.  A quick and easy visual way to organize your preparations and make sure you don’t miss anything.

The 8 areas include: Water, Food, Shelter, Health & First Aid, Light, Heat & Energy, Communication, and Sanitation.

Start learning more below:

passport for travel

Traveling is an exciting adventure, and we need to prioritize safety and security while on the road. Take proactive measures to ensure safety whether exploring new destinations by plane or car, or embarking on a short or long journey. From planning to preparation, here are some valuable tips to help you stay safe and secure […]

phone call

I am not sure about you, but sometimes those pesky telemarketers can be a real nuisance. Let us learn ways to protect ourselves with the following information: “If you live in Canada, you can choose to reduce the number of telemarketing calls you receive by registering your residential, wireless, fax or VoIP telephone number on […]

compass to figure out what direction to go

Wilderness Survival Shelter: Protecting yourself from the elements, whether it’s building a shelter from natural materials, using a tent, or finding refuge in a cave or under dense foliage. Water: Access to clean water is essential for hydration and can prevent dehydration and other health issues. Knowing how to find, purify, and conserve water is […]

computer code

Lets explore the top threats to our digital privacy so we are prepared in the cyber world. This includes: Data Breaches Phishing Attacks Identity Theft Malware & Spyware Data Breaches Data breaches occur when cybercriminals gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. These breaches can expose personal data, financial records, and more. Cybersecurity preparedness includes using […]

phone call

Learn about other helpful phone numbers in Canada for contacting local government services, community resources, and phone services. Here’s a summary of what they are for: Canada’s Contact Number List 9-1-1: This is the primary emergency number in Canada. It should be dialed in case of emergencies requiring police, fire, or medical assistance. 8-1-1: This […]

LifeStraw squeeze bottle

Revolutionizing Clean Water Access: The LifeStraw Story In a world where access to clean drinking water remains a pressing issue for millions, innovative solutions are necessary. Among these solutions stands the LifeStraw which began to take shape in 1999.  It was a revolutionary water filtration device that has changed the game in providing safe water […]