cleaning supplies

When disaster strikes, maintaining proper hygiene is important for your health and well-being. Ensuring proper hygiene is directly linked to the health and safety of individuals and communities. Neglecting sanitation can lead to the spread of diseases and infections, which can be particularly dangerous during already challenging times. In this article, we’ll explore comprehensive sanitation tips and tricks that can help you, your family, and your community stay clean and healthy during times of crisis.

Hand Hygiene and Sanitization

  • Hand Sanitizers: Stock up on alcohol-based hand sanitizers and portable handwashing stations. Encourage regular handwashing, especially before meals and after using the restroom.
  • Wet Wipes: Wet wipes are versatile and can be used for hand and face cleaning when water is scarce.
  • Soap and Water: If water is available, regular handwashing with soap is still the most effective way to prevent the spread of illnesses. Teach your family the importance of thorough handwashing.

DID YOU KNOW? When it comes to handwashing and general hygiene, the temperature of the water you use is less important than the duration and thoroughness of the washing. Both warm and cold water can effectively remove dirt, bacteria, and viruses from your hands, as long as you follow the proper handwashing technique.

The key factors to consider are:

  1. using soap to wash your hands for sanitationDuration: The recommended handwashing duration is at least 20 seconds. This is crucial for ensuring that you thoroughly clean all parts of your hands. Remember: tops and bottoms and in between!
  2. Soap: Soap is essential for breaking down and removing germs and contaminants from your hands. Ensure you use soap and lather well during handwashing.
  3. Friction: Rubbing your hands together vigorously and ensuring you cover all areas, including the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails, is essential.
  4. Rinse: Rinse your hands thoroughly to remove soap and contaminants.
  5. Drying: Dry your hands with a clean towel or air dryer to prevent the spread of germs.

In many cases, warm water may be more comfortable for handwashing, especially during cold weather, but it’s not necessary for effective hand hygiene.

Water Purification and Safe Storage

  • Water Filters: Invest in water purification filters or purifying tablets. These tools can help ensure your water supply remains safe to drink and wash with.
  • Water Storage: Store an ample supply of water in food-grade containers to ensure you have clean water available.

Toilet Alternatives

  • Portable Toilets: Portable camping toilets can be incredibly convenient when regular plumbing is unavailable. Make sure to stock up on sanitation supplies for these toilets. Consider the Luggable Loo!
  • Biodegradable Toilet Paper: Ensure you have a supply of biodegradable toilet paper in your emergency kit. Lets save the environment wherever we can!
  • Plastic Bags: Use plastic bags for waste disposal in portable toilets, and securely tie them for disposal.

Most importantly – Wash Your Hands after!

Personal Hygiene Essentials

  • Wet Wipes: Wet wipes are not only useful for hand and face cleaning but can also be used for general body cleaning when water is scarce.
  • Dry Shampoo: Dry shampoo can help maintain hair hygiene when traditional washing isn’t possible.
  • Washcloths: Warm water and a washcloth may just feel like heaven if showering isn’t an optionpreparing vegetables for a healthy meal

Special Considerations for Vulnerable Populations

  • Elderly Family Members
  • Young Children
  • Pregnant Women
  • Mental Health Need

All of these groups of people have various needs, be mindful of those needs, and use your best hygiene practices!

Hygiene Education

Learn about the importance of proper hygiene and sanitation practices. Create an emergency plan that includes sanitation guidelines, and make sure everyone is familiar with it. Here are some reasons WHY it’s important to be sanitary and hygienic:

    • Disease Prevention: Good hygiene practices, such as handwashing and cleanliness, are the first line of defense against infectious diseases. Regular handwashing can prevent the spread of illnesses like colds, flu, and foodborne diseases.
    • Reduced Health Risks: Practicing good hygiene reduces the risk of infections and illnesses. It can also minimize the severity of an illness if it does occur, leading to quicker recovery.
    • Personal Well-Being: Good hygiene contributes to an individual’s overall physical and mental well-being. Feeling clean and fresh can boost self-esteem and mental health.
    • Public Health: By practicing good hygiene, your family not only protects themselves but also the community. During public health crises, like pandemics, your family’s hygiene practices can help prevent the spread of diseases to vulnerable populations.
    • Life Skills: Teaching hygiene is about imparting life skills. These skills are not only essential during a crisis but in everyday life. Proper hygiene habits are valuable and applicable in any situation.
    •  Practicing good hygiene shows respect for others. It demonstrates that your family cares about the health and well-being of those around them.

Periodic Maintenance

  • Regular Inventory Check: Periodically check and update your emergency sanitation supplies. Ensure that items like hand sanitizers and wet wipes haven’t expired or are dried out and that your water purification tools are in good working condition.

Proper sanitation during a crisis is not just about cleanliness; it’s about safeguarding your health and the health of your loved ones. By being well-prepared and knowledgeable about sanitation practices, you can minimize health risks and maintain a sense of normalcy during challenging times.

N95 respiratory mask box

In an unpredictable world where emergencies and crises can strike at any moment, being prepared is becoming more and more important. One essential item that should find its place in your emergency kit is the N95 mask. While these masks gained popularity (or unpopularity depending where you stand on the “masking” debate) their significance extends far beyond that. This article explores when an N95 mask would be most necessary and why it should be a vital component of your emergency preparedness arsenal.

How Does an N95 Mask Work?

  • Mechanical Filtration: N95 masks are made from multiple layers of fine, tightly woven synthetic fibers, typically made of materials like polypropylene. These fibers create a dense network of tiny holes or pores. When air containing particles enters the mask, larger particles (such as dust, bacteria, and viruses) cannot easily pass through the gaps between the fibers. Instead, they collide with the fibers and become trapped.
  • Electrostatic Attraction: N95 masks also incorporate an electrostatic charge into the filter material. This electrostatic charge enhances the mask’s ability to capture smaller particles, including very fine dust, smoke, and even aerosolized pathogens like viruses. The charge attracts particles that may have otherwise passed through the mask due to their small size.

When is an N95 Mask  Necessary?Fort McMurray Wildfire Evacuation

  • Pandemics and Diseases: The most recent scenario is during pandemics and outbreaks of infectious diseases. N95 masks offer a high level of protection against airborne viruses and bacteria, reducing the risk of infection when used correctly.
  • Natural Disasters: In the aftermath of natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or wildfires, dust, debris, and smoke can pollute the air. N95 masks filter out harmful particles and provide relief for those affected.
  • Industrial Accidents: Protect against inhaling toxic fumes and hazardous substances in the incident of a chemical spill or gas leak.
  • Wilderness Survival: N95 mask can be invaluable for protecting against wildfire smoke, forest fires, or even unexpected events like dust from a landslide or a volcanic eruption.
  • Home Renovation: During home renovations or when working with materials that generate dust or particles

Why Have an N95 Mask?

  • Filtration: They filter out at least 95% of airborne particles, making them effective in reducing the risk of inhaling harmful substances.
  • Portability: Compact and lightweight
  • Long Shelf Life: Up to 5 years if stored properly
  • Vulnerable Populations: To protect individuals with compromised immune systems or respiratory conditions

Proper fit is important for the effective functioning of N95 masks. These masks are designed to create a seal around the nose and mouth. This ensure that the air being breathed in passes through the filtration material and not around the edges of the mask.


The N95 mask is not just a pandemic accessory from the past but an important component of your emergency preparedness kit. Its ability to protect against a variety of airborne hazards, coupled with its compact size and versatility, makes it an indispensable tool for your health and your loved ones during crises. Don’t wait for an emergency to strike – ensure you have one available in your emergency kit, ready to provide protection when you need it most.

Upper Kananaskis Lake

We’ve all been there – that moment when nature calls and you’re miles away from the nearest bathroom. Whether you’re out camping in the wilderness, or an emergency situation, the need to relieve yourself will strike at the most inconvenient times. That’s where the trusty Luggable Loo toilet seat comes to the rescue! Today, we’ll look at toileting on the go and how the Luggable Loo can be your portable potty best friend.


Camping Adventures

Picture this: you’re deep in the heart of the great outdoors, surrounded by majestic trees, serene lakes, and a sky full of stars. Camping is all about connecting with nature, but it also means connecting with the call of nature! When you’re camping, you might find yourself miles away from any restroom facilities. That’s where the Luggable Loo steps in.

This ingenious contraption transforms a simple bucket into a portable toilet. Just attach the Luggable Loo toilet seat to a sturdy bucket, line it with a disposable bag like item or some old newspapers, and voilà – you have a clean and convenient camping commode. It’s a game-changer when you’re camping in a remote spot or in a campground with limited restroom facilities, allowing you to keep clean and healthy and enjoy your trip. Plus, if you are camping with someone who is not super keen or comfortable with the little boy or little girls bush across the way, this is an excellent option.

No more wandering into the woods in the middle of the night; your private camping toilet is just a few steps away!

Emergency Situations

Emergencies can strike unexpectedly, and one thing you don’t want to worry about in a crisis is finding a bathroom. Whether it’s a power outage, a natural disaster, or any other unforeseen situation, having a Luggable Loo on hand can provide peace of mind to get you through the situation.

Simply keep the Luggable Loo available as part of your emergency kit.  You can even use a 5 gallon bucket as your emergency kit storage (until you require it for it’s intended purpose of course) as a space saver. It’s compact, lightweight, and easy to store. When the need arises, you have a reliable portable toilet at your disposal. In stressful times, having the comforts of home, even a makeshift toilet, can make a world of difference.

The Luggable Loo: Your Anywhere Anytime Portable Potty

What makes the Luggable Loo so great? The Luggable Loo is a practical and portable toilet solution that turns an ordinary bucket into a functional commode. First, it’s incredibly affordable. Second, it’s user-friendly super simple. Setup takes just a few seconds. The loo toilet seat snaps securely right onto most 5 gallon buckets, providing a comfortable and stable seat. To use, simply line the bucket with a disposable bag or place some newspaper in it to catch waste. Easy pee-sy!

Whether you’re a seasoned camper, an emergency preparedness enthusiast, or just someone who appreciates the convenience of having a portable toilet handy, the Luggable Loo is your ticket to toileting on the go with ease and dignity.

So, the next time nature calls, no matter where you are or what situation you find yourself in, rest assured that the Luggable Loo has got your back. Say goodbye to bathroom worries and hello to portable potty freedom!

And don’t forget to pack some toilet paper!

doing the laundry

Hey there, Laundry Warriors!

Lets do some spinning magic with this fun laundry mobile washer!

What’s a Mobile Hand Washer Anyway? A mobile hand washer is a portable, non electric handheld device that’s about the size of a mini blender. It’s not some futuristic gadget; it’s a down-to-earth solution for getting your clothes squeaky clean without the hassle of a traditional washing machine.

Why Bother with a Mobile Hand Washer? Good question! Picture this: you’re on a camping trip, and your clothes are starting to smell like last night’s campfire, or the campfire two nights ago. Or maybe you’re traveling, and the hotel laundry prices are sky-high. That’s where the mobile hand washer swoops in to save the day.

How Does It Work? Using one of these little marvels is a piece of cake. Here’s the lowdown:

  1. Fill a bucket or basin with water.
  2. Add some laundry detergent (the regular stuff you use at home – I personally have fell in love with laundry sheets: they are space savers and mess free).
  3. Toss your dirty clothes into the bucket.
  4. Submerge the mobile hand washer, use a upward and downward motion, and let it work its magic.
  5. Watch as it agitates the water, creating a mini whirlpool that scrubs your clothes clean.

Benefits of Using a Mobile Hand Washer:

  • Portability: It’s small and lightweight, so you can take it anywhere – camping, road trips, or even use it at home.
  • Saves Water: You use way less water compared to a traditional washing machine. Great for conserving resources! In an emergency situation, water conservation may be very necessary.

    doing the laundry

  • Saves Time: No more standing in front of the washing machine, waiting for the cycle to finish. You’re in control.
  • Cost-Effective: These little gadgets won’t break the bank. They’re a budget-friendly laundry solution.
  • Gentle on Clothes: Worried about your delicate garments? Don’t be! Hand washers are gentle on your clothes.

Top Tips for Using Your Mobile Hand Washer:

  • Don’t overstuff the bucket with clothes; give them some room to move.
  • Use cold water for most fabrics to prevent color fading and shrinking.
  • Let your clothes soak for a bit before you start agitating.
  • Rinse thoroughly and hang your clothes to dry.

What About Drying??

Squeezing excess wash water out of clothes is an important step in the laundry process, especially if you’re handwashing. Here are some tips to help you do it effectively:

1. Gather Your Tools:
  • You’ll need a clean, dry surface like a countertop, table, or washing machine.
  • Have a large, clean towel ready to help absorb excess moisture.
2. Drain the Water:
  • If you’ve been handwashing in a basin or sink, let the soapy water drain out completely.
3. Lift Gently:
  • Carefully lift your clothes out of the basin or sink without wringing them yet. Support the weight of the wet clothes with your hands or a laundry basket to avoid unnecessary stretching.
4. Fold Clothes:
  • Fold each piece of clothing in half gently, lengthwise. This helps distribute the water more evenly throughout the fabric.
5. Press Out Excess Water:
  • Lay the folded clothing on your clean, dry surface.
  • Place a clean, dry towel over the folded clothes.
  • Press down on the towel with your hands, applying gentle but firm pressure to encourage the water to transfer from the clothes to the towel.
  • You can also stand or gently step on the towel to squeeze out more water, especially for thicker fabrics like jeans.
6. Roll the Towel:
  • After pressing, roll the towel with the clothes inside, starting from one end to the other. This rolling motion helps absorb even more moisture.
7. Repeat if Necessary:
  • If the towel becomes too saturated, unroll it, switch to a dry towel, and repeat the pressing and rolling process until you’ve removed as much water as possible.
8. Hang or Lay Flat to Dry:
  • After squeezing out excess water, hang your clothes on a drying rack, hangers, or lay them flat on a clean, dry surface to air dry.
  • Avoid wringing or twisting your clothes, as this can damage the fabric fibers.

Remember, different fabrics have varying levels of absorbency, so be gentle with delicate items. With these tips, you can effectively remove excess water from your clothes, which will help them dry faster and maintain their shape and quality.

Laundry Liberation!

In a world where time is precious and convenience is king, the mobile hand washer is your laundry sidekick. It’s a game-changer for travelers, campers, and anyone looking to simplify their laundry routine.

using soap to wash your hands for sanitation

When disaster strikes, one thing that often gets overlooked in the chaos is food safety and sanitation. I’m here to share some down-to-earth tips on how to keep your grub safe during tough times.

First things first, let’s talk about why this matters. In emergency situations we all still need to eat. In fact, having a meal will likely calm your nerves and bring you and your loved ones some comfort in the stressful moment. However, your food can be a sneaky little troublemaker. It can easily become a source of foodborne illnesses if you’re not careful.

Getting Prepared Beforehand

Here are some tips for getting prepared:

  • Properly label and rotate your food supplies.
  • Keep an eye on temperature, especially if you’ve got perishables.
      • A hot tub of mayo isn’t what you want on your sandwich during a power outage!
  • Water: Have clean water and sanitation on your emergency checklist (ex: water storage, water purification tablets or water filtration systems). Without clean water to wash your hands and food, even the best food safety practices won’t save the day.
  • Plan It Out: Include food safety in your emergency preparedness plan. Think of the hand washing songs – pick your favorite, and make sure to properly wash your hands often.
  • In your emergency kit, keep soap, hand-sanitizer, and clean towels or paper towel available to properly dry.

Safe Food Handling 101

When it’s time to get cooking, don’t forget these basics:

  • Wash those hands! Seriously, it’s a game-changer. Use hand sanitizers and disposable gloves when needed.
  • Cook things thoroughly and follow minimum temperature guidelines.
      • Under cooked chicken is a big no-no.
  • Cross-Contamination Caution: Keep raw and cooked foods apart, and clean your kitchen gear properly.
  • Dispose of spoiled food properly, (throw away, bury or burn) and don’t take chances.

Emergency Cooking

During an emergency, things can get a bit stressful, so here are a few tips:

  • If your power goes out, monitor your fridge and freezer temps. Know when to say goodbye to perishables. Use what you can quickly. When in doubt, throw it out.
  • Consider alternative cooking options in your emergency kit, such as a campfire, a camp stove, or a BBQ.
  • Don’t waste food. Make meal plans based on what you have and cook smaller meals more often.. Every bite counts.
  • If you’re in a temporary shelter, know where your food is coming from and keep your surroundings clean.

After the Storm

When the worst is over, it’s time to clean up and recover. Sanitize your cooking and storage areas, restock your supplies, and reflect on what worked and what didn’t. There is so much to be learned from past experience if we just take the time to debrief.

There’s your friendly reminder that food safety and sanitation should be on your radar during emergencies. It’s not something to take lightly, but with a little know-how, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from unnecessary troubles. Stay safe and stay clean!