
Hygiene and Health: The Connection in Sanitation Preparedness

washing your hands with clean water

In the realm of emergency preparedness, the often underestimated link between hygiene and health plays a great role in safeguarding well-being. Maintaining proper sanitation practices is not only crucial for preventing the spread of diseases but also fundamental for overall health and resilience in times of crisis. This article explores the connection between hygiene and health, emphasizing the importance of sanitation preparedness for individuals and communities alike.

Understanding the Link: Hygiene as a Health Defenderusing soap to wash your hands for sanitation

Hygiene is the first line of defense against various illnesses, serving as a shield that safeguards health during emergencies. Proper handwashing, waste disposal, and personal cleanliness contribute significantly to preventing the spread of infectious diseases, making hygiene a cornerstone of health maintenance.

Consider this personal opinion: We want clean water to drink, in fact, dare I say we expect clean water to drink. Washing our hands is an important component of preventing germs and bacteria from spreading to others. The same way I expect clean water, is the same way I expect to be able to be out in public and feel safe from germs and bacteria being spread from lack of proper hygiene.


Access to clean water is integral to maintaining health standards, especially in the face of unforeseen events. Water is our life force. Firstly, we are made up of a significant amount of water. Secondly, water is sustenance, and water is a way to clean our bodies, or in some cases our wounds.

Consider your home water storage. See some of our articles about storing water and how to go about doing it.

Water storage and also water purification options are available to us all, such as the Life Straw or AquaBrick filtration systems:

Lifestraw Water filter drinking strawSagan life aquabrick water filter

Hygiene Practices in Emergency Situations

During emergencies, such as natural disasters or pandemics, maintaining hygiene becomes more challenging yet more critical than ever.

  • Good hygiene practices, such as covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, contribute to the prevention of airborne diseases. This is particularly important in mitigating the spread of respiratory infections like the flu or common cold.
  • Most illnesses, including respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, are often spread through contaminated hands.
  • Washing hands before handling food, cooking meat thoroughly, and avoiding cross-contamination, reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses. These practices contribute to gastrointestinal health and prevent illnesses such as food poisoning.

preparing vegetables for a healthy meal

Community-Based Sanitation Programs: Strengthening Resilience

Engaging in community-based sanitation programs fosters a collective commitment to hygiene and health. These initiatives include educating communities on proper waste management, promoting hygiene practices, and ensuring access to clean water sources, collectively enhancing the overall health resilience of the population.

Some people do service projects to provide hygiene kits to those less fortunate. After you’ve created your own kit, consider paying it forward.

  • Personal Hygiene Kits: Building a comprehensive personal hygiene kit, including essentials like hand sanitizers, soap, and sanitation supplies, empowers individuals to uphold hygiene standards even in challenging circumstances.

The Role of Education: Empowering Communities for Health

Knowledge is a powerful tool in promoting hygiene and health. Educational campaigns that emphasize the importance of sanitation practices, proper handwashing techniques, and waste disposal methods contribute to creating informed and health-conscious communities.

Alberta Health has an entire page dedicated to Hygiene Education. In fact, they even have a mock escape-room available to test your knowledge. How fun! Here is the link.


The intricate connection between hygiene and health underscores the significance of sanitation preparedness in any comprehensive emergency plan. From individual practices to community-wide initiatives, prioritizing hygiene not only prevents the spread of diseases but also strengthens the overall health resilience of communities. As we navigate an unpredictable world, recognizing the symbiotic relationship between hygiene and health becomes a cornerstone of effective emergency preparedness, ensuring that communities can withstand and recover from unexpected challenges. Stay informed, stay hygienic, and stay healthy.