
Preparedness for Students: College Survival Guide

completing your education

Welcome to the ultimate College Survival Guide! College life is a whirlwind of independence, fun, and, let’s face it, chaos. But fear not, because this guide is your secret weapon to staying ahead of the curve and thriving during your academic journey. We’ll dive into essential tips and tricks, geared towards students like you who want to master the art of preparedness while still having a blast.

Section 1: The Art of Time Management

  • Meet Joe, the ‘Procrastination Prince.’ Every Sunday, he schedules his week, allocating study hours and relaxation time. By sticking to a schedule, Joe enjoys the best of both worlds, acing exams and parties.

Section 2: Budgeting Like a Boss

  • Sarah is a student entrepreneur who knows that budgeting will keep her debt load down. She tracks her expenses, uses student discounts, and seeks part-time jobs outside of class time. As a result, she’s financially secure and still indulges in her favorite morning hot chocolate and bagel.

Section 3: Meal Prep Hacks

  • Hungry Hannah finds cooking a drag, so she preps her meals every Monday. Sometimes she uses pre-made meals from a food bucket that her parents gave to her, as they are easy to prepare in her dorm room, especially without full kitchen access. It saves time and ensures she doesn’t resort to pricey fast food options during late-night study sessions. Hannah budgets 1 lunch and 1 dinner out a week to keep the spark in her college experience!

14 day emergency food supply 2000 cals per day

Section 4: Study Smarter, Not Harder

  • Jack, the ultimate study guru, relies on productivity apps like Cozi or other calendaring apps, to keep organized. He also utilizes limit settings on his phone (like digital wellbeing and parental controls) to be sure he doesn’t waste unnecessary time on Netflix binges, without compromising his grades.

Section 5: First Aid Kits for the Clumsy

  • Lucy’s notorious for her clumsiness. So, she carries a mini emergency kit with band-aids, pain relievers, and stain removers in her bag. This makes her the go-to person with her classmates too!

Section 6: Emergency Preparedness

  • Lucy, Jack, Hannah, Sarah & Joe all have 72 Hour Kits. These kits are perfect for students because:
        • they take up very little space
        • they are portable
        • they bring a sense of peace to parents knowing their kids have a plan in place

Pro-Tip: If the dorm runs emergency evacuation or fire drills, practice bringing your 72 hour kit along. Also, pack the kit when travelling to and from home because it doubles as an emergency car kit!

72 hour kit 4 person deluxe

Conclusion: College is about more than just textbooks and exams; it’s a real time lesson in preparedness and independence. By following the advice in this College Survival Guide, you’ll graduate with the invaluable life skills of adaptability, resourcefulness, and resilience, plus a head start on building the habit of being prepared. Embrace the journey, and enjoy your college years. May you conquer every challenge that comes your way!